

We are a tribe

Have you heard of the idea of a blogging tribe? A tribe is a group of like-minded people and that is what Fibro Blogger Directory is all about.
Having a blogging tribe takes the concept of a blogging community to another level so that it is more supportive, more personal, more of a community.

There are lots of great people here on Fibro Blogger Directory and they all have a lot in common with you. Besides having fibromyalgia and blogging about it they are looking to get their posts read and shared too, just like you and me. Sharing cool blog posts is a great way to help each other, interact, feel good and spread the fibro message.

So why not visit a few blogs on the Directory and if you find one you like share it through your social media. Do you have twitter,  facebook,  pinterest or tumblr? You can connect with us there.

1 comment:

  1. Sandy Byers6:31 PM

    I enjoy your site very much and come by weekly to read more things about Fibro, just wanted to let you know.


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