

Our newest fibro blogger members

 fibro blogger members
Let me introduce you to some of our wonderful members at Fibro Blogger Directory.
They all have fibromyalgia and they all blog about it but that is where the similarities stop...
For a start they live all over the world from Australia to America, England to South Africa. They have so many different interests:  naturopathy, teaching, family, religion, fitness, writing, and illustrating.
Let's get to know them a bit more.

fibro blogger directory newest members

From left to right, top to bottom we have Suzanne, Stacey, Melinda, Janet, Glenys, Katie, Angelique and Rachel.

Suzanne is a fitness instructor who runs Coco Lime Fitness where she blogs about fibromyalgia and staying fit, has videos, a work out channel and a total body fitness program. 

Stacey is a wife and mother to three adult children who blogs at Fighting With Fibro. Her blog's byline is Living With Purpose and she hopes to positively affect the lives of others who live with Fibro.

Melinda is an ambassador for the US Pain Foundation and blogs at Looking For The Light.  Melinda educates, advocates and informs about a variety of difficult issues including mental health and abuse. 

Janet is a naturopathic doctor who blogs at The Doctor's Note. She offers diet, exercise and other tips for coping with Fibromyalgia and also a free discovery session to see if natural therapies can help you.

Glenys is a home maker who is providing conversations for the lonely, chronically ill or disabled Christian woman at Morning Cuppas With Glenys

Katie is a teacher and writer who blogs at PainFULLY Living sharing her personal experiences with treatments and symptoms of Fibromyalgia. 

Angelique is a wife and mother who blogs at Fibro Ramblings. She is raising fibromyalgia awareness and co-ordinates Faces & Stories of Fibromyalgia telling the stories of many people who live with it.

Rachel is a graphic designer who blogs at Once Upon A Fog Blog and records video blogs about her life with fibromyalgia in Texas, USA. 


  1. Thank you for including me, Lee. Glad to be connected to these wonderful women. I feel so fortunate to be able to share and learn from you all.

  2. Lee, I feel so blessed to be apart of this continuously growing Fibromyalgia family! Thank you so much for sharing my story along side these exceptional women.


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