

The Weekly Blogging Challenge - week 1

Weekly Fibromyalgia Blogging Prompt

WELCOME to the first Weekly Blogging Challenge.

This week's Blogging Prompt is EXERCISE.

WHAT IS A BLOGGING PROMPT? It is a suggestion for you to blog about if you are looking for ideas. It may give you an idea to get you started on blog post. It may spark ideas to get you past a block.  

So this week it is anything to do with exercise and fibromyalgia - if you exercise, why you exercise, why you don't exercise, what exercise does for you, what exercises you have tried, what works and what does not work, why you couldn't possibly live without exercise, why you just can't ever exercise, what exercise you use to do before fibromyalgia, how fibro has affected your fitness, yoga, dancing, walking, running, gym, etc, what you need others to understand about Fibro and exercise, your specific exercise program, why you will never exercise again, what exercise does to you.....

JOIN UP for this free challenge, get bonus places to post and more.

To find out more about these blogging prompts and the weekly blogging challenge, please go here.

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