
Fibro Tip of the week

This week's Fibro Tip comes from The Practical Fibromite:

Focus on what you’ve achieved, not on what you haven’t. It’s so easy for us to dwell on our failures and shortcomings, but we rarely take the time to recognize our accomplishments – or when we do, we belittle them by comparing our current selves to our “normal” selves. Practicing kindness to ourselves includes accepting who we are, right now, and celebrating the small victories along the way.

fibromyalgia information


Fibro Friday week 15

fibromyalgia link up
These fabulous fibro bloggers joined in at Fibro Friday last week - you can join in too... We would love it if 15 fibro bloggers put a post here in the link up (seeing it is week 15). Please join in now...

Fibro Friday week 14

fibromyalgia awareness