Showing posts with label Fibro Info. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fibro Info. Show all posts


Videos from fibro bloggers

Do you have a video channel where you share information about fibromyalgia we would love you to link it up here. 

Videos about fibromyalgia from fibro bloggers


The best Fibromyalgia articles of 2024

Here you will find interesting articles about Fibromyalgia on a wide variety of topics. All of these articles have been posted this year by fibro bloggers

best Fibromyalgia articles of 2024

Is Gabapentin for Fibromyalgia Safe? at Being Fibro Mom

Mom With Fibro: How I’m Pacing While Caring For My Toddler at Skillfully and Painfully Aware.

Fibromyalgia and Covid-19 at Living Creatively with Fibro

When you got no spoons everyone has to help! at Australian Sacrificial HomeKeeper

Merlin The Happy Heathen: Art For Fibromyalgia Interview at My Several Worlds

A day in the life of a Fibro warrior with Bettie G at Mandy and Michelle

The Best Type of Heat To Help You Feel Better at Pain Chronic Words Iconic 

How to get moving with fibromyalgia – Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 at the Invisible F

The Age Conundrum at Fibromy What?

Eyes and Fibromyalgia at Fibro Files

Couch to 5K with Fibromyalgia – an impossible mission? at Musings on Life with Fibromyalgia


Fibro Friday week 523

WELCOME and glad you could join us in promoting awareness and understanding of fibromyalgia. 

Thank you and thank you to these 4 great bloggers for joining in and welcoming us to their sites. 

Please use the social media buttons to spread the word about fibromyalgia and support some fibro blogs. 

Fibro Friday Fibromyalgia linky

1. Living With Fibro Is A Full Time Job is a post by Dale Rockell from his fibro blog Fibro & Photos. Find out more about why he thinks this 

2. SLEEP AND MEDITATION THERAPY. Find out why Barbara, aka blogger Bar, recommends this at her blog Back Pain UK. 

3. Fibromyalgia, Nutrivore and me is a post by Melissa. Find out how she follows the Nutrivore approach to benefit her health at her blog Going My Own Pace. 
4. No shanks as pony is a post describing Glenys's new experience with shanks pony. The phrase is a colloquial expression that has been used for centuries in the English language and has its roots in the rural areas of Britain. Read about this fibro bloggers involvement with it. 

Fibro Friday blog linky

You might be interested in more fibromyalgia articles written by men and women living with fibro. There are seven more here

Fibro Friday week 521

 WELCOME to Fibro Friday a link-up all about Fibromyalgia. We hope it helps others to understand more about Fibromyalgia and its many challenges. 

Fibro Friday blog linky

While you are here please take this opportunity to have a look at previous week's link-ups or share some of these fibro blogs on your own social media.

 The Constant Fibro Challenge Of Sleep has some simple suggestions for getting more sleep

A Journey Through The Fog A short fibro story describing a day in the life of someone with fibromyalgia.
 Things that make fibromyalgia worse is a video about delayed diagnosis and under treatment in Fibromyalgia. 
 Skin-Related Fibromyalgia Symptoms explains the why and what of skin conditions that are often seen with fibromyalgia.

Cooling Blanket Review is an honest review of the Marchpower cooling blanket. 

10 Tips for Newly Diagnosed Fibromyalgia Sufferers… has practical suggestions that you may not have considered to make your life easier.

A Primer for Pain Awareness Month This September includes what is chronic pain, its impact on daily life, treatment options, the impact on mental health and a free download on non verbal signs of pain.

Fibro Friday the fibromyalgia blog linky

Thank you for joining us today and thank you to 
Dale Rockell, 
This Fibro Chick, 
Melissa Reynolds, 
Sue Vickers, 
Cynthia the Disabled Diva, 
Blogger Bar 
and Carrie Kellenberger 
for sharing their fibro blog posts this week. 


Raising Awareness of fibromyalgia

Thank you to all these excellent fibro bloggers working hard to help raise the awareness of fibromyalgia in their own special ways. We appreciate you sharing your stories, tips, news and research into this chronic pain condition. 

articles raising Awareness of fibromyalgia

CBD it's Benefits and Awareness Day 8th August. Barbara shares some info about CBD and its potential benefits in easing chronic pain in fibromyalgia. 

Habits that help chronic illness. Melissa explains the wellness habits that she uses and the order in which she prioitises them to help her feel better when living with fibromyalgia and ME/CFS. 

Visiting the Pain Clinic includes Dale's positive experience when visiting the pain clinic, his realisations about what he is doing right to help reduce fibro symptoms and his recommendations for others. 

Oxygen Therapy. Dale gives us an update on this interesting therapy and his challenging week with a fibro flare and a therapy session. 

Fibromyalgia Explained: Thom explains Diagnosis, Treatments, and Coping Strategies for fibromyalgia and provides a comprehensive understanding of fibromyalgia, its symptoms, causes, and effective management strategies. 

Fibromyalgia Pain: Thom explains his view for the urgent need for comprehensive understanding and empathy from the medical community not just about the pain of fibromyalgia but about the misunderstandings and lack of adequate research and treatments.

Finding Myself after Fibromyalgia. Johanna describes the emotions and symptoms and ups and downs after being diagnosed with fibro and the realisations she has had. 

Fibromyalgia: The Invisible Disease. This Fibro Chick discusses all the aspects of invisibilty in fibromyalgia including the importance of addressing this problem.

Top tips for the newly diagnosed. Alisha shares tips from her fibro friends from all around the world who have fibromyalgia so that if you are newly diagnosed with fibro you will not feel so alone.

A Coloring Adventure for Spoonies My Several Worlds Coloring Adventure for Spoonies offers pages of inky delight to remind you that you are strong, beautiful, and uniquely you. You are NOT broken! This book is made for Spoonies by a full-time Spoonie who has been using art as a coping tool for chronic illness and chronic pain since 2009.

A little time to slumber is a poem by Glenys R. Hicks about her day when living with fibromyalgia and other chronic illnesses.

articles Raising Awareness of fibromyalgia

From Fibro Friday week 517


13 Fibromyalgia articles for you at Fibro Friday week 518

WELCOME to you and a big THANK YOU for visiting the fibro link up today. It would be wonderful if you could visit some of the links below. Just click on the purple coloured links to be taken to interesting articles about overheating, managing fibromyalgia and 4 children, mysteries and secrets of fibro and unique treatment ideas such as art therapy and oxygen therapy. You can also ask any fibro questions you might have of Jools at her blog. (No. 10). We even have a doctor joining in sharing his research into Fibromyalgia and neck pain (No. 12).

Thanks to everyone working hard to raise fibromyalgia awareness by sharing these articles here. 

1. Why Is Photography A Therapy For Life With Fibromyalgia? by Dale Rockell at Fibro & Photos. 

2. Oxygen Therapy Update - Week Five from Dale Rockell

3. Oxygen Therapy Q&A: What If I Have Ear Problems? from Dale Rockell

4. Navigating Fibromyalgia For Men: A Spiritual Journey of Love and Healing at Thom Byxbes Research Desk

5. Unveiling the Mysteries of Fibromyalgia at Thom Byxbes Research Desk

6. DRINK WATER TO HELP AVOID BACK PAIN… by Barbara at Back Pain Blog UK

7. Secrets of Fibromyalgia by Johanna at Adventures in Motherhood

8. Habits I prioritise as a mama of four with fibromyalgia by Melissa Reynolds at Going My Own Pace

9. Chronic Illness Joke Series: WASHING UP OVERLOAD! at Helen's Journey 

10. Ask me Anything about Fibromyalgia by Jools at My Life With Fibromyalgia

11. My thermostat's broken! by Glenys at australian Sacrificial Home Keeper

12. Key to the Fibromyalgia Syndrome Examination by John W. McFadden, M.D. and independent Fibromyalgia researcher at Research Gate

13. Art Therapy for Chronic Pain: How I Use Art To Thrive with Chronic Illness by Carrie Kellenberger at My Several Worlds

Fibro Friday linky week 518

Fibro Friday week 515

 WELCOME to Fibro Friday a link-up all about Fibromyalgia. It starts every Friday and runs almost all week. 

You will love these links if you are looking for alternative treatments and ideas for managing fibromyalgia and other chronic pain conditions. 

This week we have articles about sleep and chronic illness, spiritual and mindfulness practices, motivational tips, alternative treaments such as CBD oil, oxygen therapy and foot reflexology, disability pride, nutrition benefits and being old. 

While you are here please take this opportunity to have a look at previous week's link-ups.

1.HOW PAIN CAN EFFECT YOUR SLEEP PATTERNS is full of interesting facts about sleep when you are living with chronic illness.

2. A Purposeful Path Through the Fog of Fibromyalgia describes how to align your daily life with a spiritual path. 

3. Conquer Chronic Pain & Fatigue: 10 Expert Tips to stay motivated and lead a fulfilling life even when living in constant pain. 

4. Increasing Social Activity For Wellbeing And Inspiration talks about the challenges of increasing social outings and activities when living with fibromyalgia.

5. The body scan and fibromyalgia: The What, Why and How of The Body Scan Meditation including a video and a book suggestion about this mindfulness practice.

6. Oxygen Therapy Update - Week Two is a sharing of personal experiences of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) sessions. It describes what a session is like and the improvements that have happened. 

7. Foot Reflexology for Chronic Pain & Fibromyalgia descibes this alternative treatment and how it treats chronic ain.  If you have ever felt like you are walking on shards of glass all the time, or your feet and legs are swollen it will be useful to read this article.

8. Top Qs about Invisible Illnesses & Disability Pride Month answers some of the top questions people with invisible illnesses, including chronic pain and mental health issues, ask about disability pride, disability rights, and disability.

9. It doesn't take much is about looking after your health through eating nutritious meals with the extra motivation of doing it for your twin sister. (Both twins have fibromyalgia and other chronic conditions.

10. The only perk of being old. Find out what it is here. (At least for those living in Australia. 

11. Breakthrough Study: Anarti’s Ayurvedic CBD Oil Shows Promising Results in reducing inflammation.

alternative therapy for fibromyalgia

Fibro Friday week 514 - Fibromyalgia articles for you

WELCOME to this weeks Fibro Friday. We are so glad you could call in today, in your busy schedule, to find out more about Fibromyalgia. We hope you find something of interest to you. Remember that there are many other weeks of Fibromyalgia articles here where you will discover amazing information written by those living with it.

Fibro Friday week 514

1. Tips for Dating Someone with Fibromyalgia. Things that can help you if your partner has fibro.

2. Fibromyalgia and Love: The Ultimate Guide to Physical Intimacy! by Thom Byxbe.

3. Chasing The Woodland Light - a metaphor for fibro life in the fibro community by photograher Dale. 

4. Oxygen Therapy Update - Week One where Dale is documenting his experience with 20 sessions of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in an attempt to reduce fibro symptoms.

5. HEALTH AWARENESS DAYS, weeks & for the month of August 2024 by Blogger Bar.

6. Migraine Relief Without Medication: A List of Stuff To Help Your Headache. This is the ultimate guide to stuff that might make migraines more manageable compiled by Janet Jay.

7. Chiropractic for fibromyalgia. Melissa explains how chiropractic care has helped her fibro symptoms including the big tangible result. 

 Fibromyalgia articles


This week's Fibromyalgia articles - week 511

Here are 10 excellent articles on fibromyalgia written by individuals who truly understand the condition. Discover some intriguing alternative treatment options you may not have explored yet. 

1. The Single Focus Of Medical Professionals By Dale Rockell at Fibro & Photos.
"The point of this post is to share the reaction of the Dr when I mentioned that my theory was that my challenges with my vision was a symptom of my central sensitivity/Fibromyalgia."

2. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Update & Schedule For Intensive Sessions Some background information on these therapy sessions to reduce fibromyalgia symptoms. 

3. CAN SPINAL CORD STIMULATORS HELP YOU TAKE FEWER PAINKILLERS?… explains the advances in spinal cord stimulators to help people with back pain. By Blogger Bar at Back Pain Blog UK. 

 4. 8 Ways Chronic Pain Changes You ~ "
There are many ways chronic pain changes you, but today I’ve decided to focus on eight basic facts about life with pain." From Carrie at My Several Worlds.

 5. My Diagnostic Nightmare involves increased symptoms, including extreme fatigue, strange blood test results, visits to many specialists and the E.D. and no diagnosis. Johanna describes her experiences and writes a letter to the Emergency Department that she visited. 

 6. The Healing Power for Men: Navigating Fibromyalgia expounds on how fibromyalgia affects men and has stories of how the healing power of love helped men with fibro. From Thom Byxbe's research Desk.

 7. The Healing Power of Love: Navigating Pain with Compassion explores the ability of love to heal when one partner is living with Fibromyalgia.

 8. Chiropractic has helped my chronic pain Melissa shares how chiropractic treatment has helped her pain symptoms over the last eight months. 

 9. Not any time soon is about the experience of a family, living with multiple chronic illnesses, all catching RSV -which is Respiratory syncytial virus.

Fibromyalgia Relief and Ancient Chinese Medicine: Tai Chi, Acupuncture, and Tui Na an indepth article written by Dr. Paula Bruno, Ph.D., L.Ac.

Thank you to everyone who joined in at Fibro Friday week 511 sharing your wonderful sites and raising fibromyalgia awareness. We love visiting all the fibro blogs. 

If you would like to join in and share a post of yours about fibromyalgia you can do so each week at the Fibro Friday link up. 
Fibromyalgia information


Fibro Friday week 506

 WELCOME to week 506 at the Fibromyalgia link up. 

So pleased you are here to visit these links and find out more about Fibromyalgia.

It is great to see different fibro blogs, from men and women with fibromyalgia, represented here this week. 

Fibro Friday week 506

1. Pacing Is Like A Freight Train at Fibro & Photos
2. Conquer Chronic Pain & Fatigue: 10 Expert Tips! 
4. 5 tips for the newly diagnosed mama with fibromyalgia at Going My Own Pace
5. Fibromyalgia Art Therapy Interviews on My Several Worlds  

6. Twenty Tips for Newly diagnosed Fibromyalgia Sufferers at Back Pain Blog

7. Bereavement One Year On at Creative Fibro
8. You Can't Boycott Medication at Adventures in Motherhood
9. Where Does it Hurt? at Mandy and Michelle
11. Understanding Internal Tremors in Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS

If you would like to join in our latest Fibro link up please go HERE 

Fibro Friday week 506


Latest fibromyalgia blogger articles

You can gain deeper insight into fibromyalgia with these informative articles. People living with fibro share their personal experiences, shedding light on the ways this chronic pain condition impacts their lives and those around them. This week we have four articles on food and many other helpful subjects including recent fibromyalgia research, how to handle the holidays, and using a symptom tracker and foods.
Latest fibromyalgiaarticles

This includes both global and UK awareness days at Back Pain Blog UK. Have you heard of Blue Monday or Paget's disease?

Melissa vs Fibromyalgia explains how to plan your day using pacing.

Dale talks about his exeriences with yoga including the benefits he sees and how to begin. 

Baking Cookies with Fibromyalgia... Or Not is about the difficulties and decisions of baking cookies and keeping up family traditions.

How Chronic Pain Warriors Handle The Holidays is a friendly letter style post about one persons thoughts around how they view and also manage the holidays, her wishes and memories and how she sees herself. 

Did you know that ''sending a blessing benefits both the bless-or and the bless-ee. It has a transformational effect on both you and the recipient.''

Is where Susan talks about the difficult year she had in 2023... a death in the family, perimenopause symptoms, deression and grieving.

''Black, white, green, oolong, rooibos, flavoured, herbal. Loose leaf or bagged. Milk and sugar or straight up. Tea comes in many varieties and the steps to crafting the perfect cuppa have been hotly debated for years. Black tea is the UK’s most popular type and confers the most benefits, but however you take it, you’ll be glad to know there will be at least a few extra perks besides the comforting taste. Here are x surprising health benefits of drinking tea. Put the kettle on, grab a cuppa and enjoy!''

In this article we find out about the lions message for humanity.

''Despite its prevalence, fibromyalgia remains a complex and poorly understood condition with no known cure. However, significant research efforts are underway to unravel the mysteries of this chronic pain syndrome. Here’s a snapshot of the current state of fibromyalgia research.''

According to this article living with fibromyalgia can be made easier by following an anti-inflammatory eating plan. It lists the inflammatory foods to avoid so you can help reduce pain levels and improve nutrition.
Read full article

Omega 3 is crucial for managing fibromyalgia. Read this article to find out its hidden benefits, foods that contain it and why flaxseeds in your diet can make a significant difference to your pain. 

A christian women's persective on ways to overcome the depression caused by living with fibromyalgia and other chronic illnesses. 

From Fibro Friday week 483
  1. 10 Health Awareness Days for January 2024
  2. How To Use Your Symptom Tracking to Plan Your Day (Pacing Well)
  3. Fibro And The ‘Y’ Word!
  4. Baking Cookies with Fibromyalgia... Or Not
  5. How Chronic Pain Warriors Handle The Holidays
  6. Biology of Blessing
  7. When Everything Collides
  8. 10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Tea Drinking
  9. The Unyielding Majesty of the Lion’s Roar
  10. Fibromyalgia and the Current State of Research
  11. 10 Foods That Cause Fibromyalgia Symptom Flare-ups
  12. Why Omega 3 is so important when living with fibromyalgia?
  13. Sufficient to the day
Latest fibro blogger articles


Learn more about Fibromyalgia from Fibro Bloggers

 Learn more about Fibromyalgia from what Fibro Bloggers have written here. As well as round ups of experiences in 2023 you can find information on acceptance of pain, Living with P.O.T.S., The Flight or Fight response, Pets and Weight issues. 

End of Year Health Update and Lessons Learnt

Melissa provides an update on where she is at when living with fibromyalgia and endometriosis and more diagnoses, treatments she has tried, her surgery and her next big thing. 

Going With The Festive Flow

Dale describes his preparations for the holiday season and shares some beautiful night time festive photos from London. He is also a songwriter and guitarist and shares his newly written Christmas song in a video here.

Fibromyalgia and the Battle for Correct Diagnosis

Sue has gathered together some expert sources on the symtoms of Fibromyalgia and the difficulties of getting a diagnosis. 

A short Christmas note to the ones who are struggling.

Alisha shares her feelings and her thoughts at Christmas and some of the difficulties and losses of her year. 

Interview with a Chronic Pain Warrior (Book about Grief)

An open and honest interview with a struggling P.O.T.S warrior where she shares her journey to diagnosis and how her faith and family have helped. She offers words of encouragement for others living with chronic pain.

Merry Christmas 2023 & Happy New Year

A quick end of year post from Caz at Invisibly Me Blog which summarises her year and also gives some suggested Christmas and New Year reading for those with chronic illness.

What does acceptance mean when livng with pain?

The reasons for accepting pain and what hinders and helps our acceptance are discussed here by Julie, including some research done into the topic. 

What does it mean to accept your pain? That is a question that many of us have asked or been asked.

Fight or Flight Response Overactive in Fibromyalgia

Did you know that an overactive sympathetic nervous system, aka the body's flight or fight response, is overactive in Fibromyalia. Sue discusses this and if there is anything we can do about it. 

It is what it is!

Glenys shares her Christmas plans when her and her husband live with multiple chronic illnesses. 

Do You Buy A Pet Because It's Cute Or The Kids Won't Stop Begging? Beware!

Mel discusses her approach to deciding whether to become Pet Parents. 

Christmas Prayer For Fibromyalgia

A prayer for those with chronic illness including fibromyalgia written by Sue and also a link to a video of her talk at Cal State Fullerton where she shares tips on what to do about Fibromyalgia. 

Fibromyalgia and weight gain resources

A list of some of the sites and books that can help with the common Fibromyalgia problem of unwanted weight gain.

1. End of year health update  
2. Going With The Festive Flow  
3. Music Therapy - I've Written A Festive Tune!  
5. A short Christmas note to the ones who are struggling  
6. Interview with a chronic pain warrior (book about grief)  
7. Merry Christmas 2023 & Happy New Year From Invisibly Me!  
8. What does acceptance meanwhen living with pain?  
9. Fight or Flight Response Overactive In Fibromyalgia  
10. It is what it is!  
11. Do you buy a dog for it's cuteness?  
12. Christmas Prayer for Fibromyalgia  
13. Fibromyalgia & weight gain resources  


Fibro bloggers share their latest fibromyalgia articles

These Fibromyalgia articles allow you to understand more about fibromyalgia. Those living with fibro are sharing their blog posts to raise awareness of this chronic pain condition and the many ways it affects their lives and also offer helpful ways they cope such as distraction ideas, humor and self care strategies. 

latest fibromyalgia articles

Fibromyalgia and the Current State of Research 
A snapshot of the current state of fibromyalgia research.
Read full article by Thom Byxbe

Set Boundaries, Command Respect 
Setting boundaries is a skill we all need. This post explores why we should set them. 
Read full article by Thom Byxbe

Nostalgic, Creative & Photographic Distraction From Fibro
How these 3 factors come together in a hobby that helps in distracting from the many symptoms of Fibromyalgia.
Read full article by Dale Rockell

Top 6 Books as Gifts for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Sufferers
Reviews of 6 books of which some are practical and same are uplifting.

Read full article by Blogger Bar

ACR23 Fibromyalgia Research in 2023 - Where Rheumatology Meets 
My Several Worlds presents the latest fibromyalgia research from ACR23 attended in 2023. The presentation was called 'Fibromyalgia & Other Clinical Pain Syndromes.'
Read full article by Carrie Kellenberger

Distraction ideas to bring you joy for Busy People with Chronic Pain and Fatigue.
''We deserve to do things we like and enjoy. Even if we barely have the energy to manage life. Our quality of life matters so much.
So today, I want to share some distraction ideas for your enjoyment, even if you have a busy life too.''
Read full article by Melissa Reynolds

Physical Self-Care Strategies To Manage Fibromyalgia
Sue shares the strategies she uses to maintain physical self-care and how she uses the free Health Storylines app to keep on track.
Read full article by Sue

It's OK to have a simple Christmas

The whys and hows of a simple Christmas in this Christian household when both partners are living with chronic illness. 
Read full article by Glenys

Disability Representation on Doctor Who
Beverley gives her opinion on how disability is portrayed in one of her all time favourite shows and has a bonus video on disability in Hollywood movies. 
Read full article by Beverley Butterfly.

Relaxing Sunday
A very brief 
post about her day by Melinda.
Read full article

How Viruses Affect Those With Chronic Illness

personal experience of how and why viruses have an affect on someone living with fibro and other chronic illnesses. 
Read full article by Bethan Jones.

A Fibromyalgia Christmas Laugh
Here you will find a the 12 Days of Fibro

Read full article by Sue Ingebretson.

Fibro Friday week 484

Fibro bloggers share their latest fibromyalgia articles

1. Fibromyalgia and the Current State of Research
2. Set Boundaries, Command Respect
3. Nostalgic, Creative & Photographic Distraction From Fibro
5. ACR23 Fibromyalgia Research in 2023 - Where Rheumatology Meets
6. Distraction ideas to bring you joy
7. Physical Self-Care Strategies To Manage Fibromyalgia
8. It's OK to have a simple Christmas
9. Disability representation on Doctor Who
10. Relaxing Sunday
11. How Viruses Affect Those With Chronic Illness
12. A Fibromyalgia Christmas Laugh