
Tips for new bloggers from people who blog

Tips for new bloggers
I asked the private facebook group, for fibro bloggers, 
'What is one tip that you would give to a new blogger?'
Here are their responses:
(To visit their facebook pages click on their names and to visit their blogs click on the blog title next to ther name.)

Katie Clark from Pain FULLY Living :
Make sure to know your purpose. It's easy to get overwhelmed.
Shelley Clark Smith from Chronic Mom :
Don't do it!
My serious answer: Don't focus immediately on trying to make money, focus on building your brand and audience first
Rachel Barclift from Once Upon a Fog Blog
I would tell them to thoroughly research which writing blog platform is best for their future blogs. It’s best to take your time, look at all your options, and reviews before deciding on the one you’re going to use.
Carol Homer from InvisblyMe
While a niche is often recommended, don’t feel you’ve got to box yourself in. If you want to spread your wings a little and open up your content then do it; it’s your blog, your space, do what you feel happy and comfortable with.
Melissa Reynolds from Melissa vs Fibromyalgia
Learn first. Make good decisions from the beginning. I spent years fluffing about. Take a good intro blogging course to figure out the first must dos. And then add things one at a time. And for the sake of your energy and sanity pick one social media platform to master first.
Alisha Nurse from The Invisible F
My advice for new bloggers: Some say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but I say DO YOU. Make it yours. Carve out a style and create a voice that are 100 percent YOU. Being yourself and bringing that authenticity to your work is incredibly important. No point in trying to be someone else. Only you, can do YOU, like you.
Bettina Bier from Me, Myself and I
I would tell them. "Post what you like and feel good with. Don't think about what others might like or not. It's your blog. Write it with all your heart and the people will love it. Because it's you"
Beverley Dickinson from Blooming Mindfulness
I'd say add other people who blog about the same things you do the community aspect is so important and a great way to support others
Terri Sutula from Reclaiming Hope
Take the time to develop your avatar - your ideal reader - and write to that person. By doing this, you can write what your ideal reader wants to read and not worry about trying to please everyone. We can't ever please everybody, and having an avatar helps you realize that the people who aren't interested in what you're writing may just not be 'your person.'
Donna Gregory Burch from Fed Up With Fatigue
Focus on building your email list. Google, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. constantly change their algorithms. Depending on them for traffic is a dangerous game b/c one bad algorithm change and poof, your traffic is gone! In contrast, you OWN your email list and are in complete control of it. An email list is also the best way to create repeat traffic and reader relationships. It's easier to keep a subscriber than to keep trying to find new visitors for your site
Lynne Said from The Healing Within Fibromyalgia
Write what you feel passionate about some will like it some won't and that doesn't matter. Be consistent this has been one big lesson that I've learned the hard way. x

I hope you found these helpful and if you did please share this post using the social media buttons below. We would love to read your suggestions for new bloggers in the comments below.

Tips for new bloggers

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