
Help us spread Fibromyalgia Awareness

Please join us at Fibro Friday week 73
and help spread fibro awareness, one blog post at a time!


We are all super heroes

We are celebrating International Fibromyalgia, ME/CFS & Lyme Awareness Day with  a competition that is easy to enter.

.Here at Fibro Blogger Directory we think that all people with chronic illness are super heroes with super powers. We think we use our powers each and everyday. Hey! even getting out of bed can be a super power somedays. 
So why not tell us your super power? We know you might have more than one so please feel free to let us know here in the comments. 
A winner will be randomly chosen to 
win a $50.00 Amazon voucher 
to spend as they wish. 
The winner will be announced early in June.

Fibro Friday week 72: Better late than never!

Fibro link up

I'm late, I'm late for
A very important date.
No time to say hello, good-bye,
I'm late, I'm late, I'm late.

The White Rabbit in Lewis Carroll's book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

So sorry I am late this week. I am a great believer in better late than never so I hope you can join in our fibromyalgia link up now.