
Help us Celebrate 200 weeks of Fibromyalgia Awareness

Love you to help us celebrate because Fibro Friday has been going for 200 weeks! 

That's 200 weeks of sharing information about fibromyalgia causes and fibro fog and other symptoms and fibromyalgia treatment and definition and fibromyalgia diet and anything you can basically think of about Fibromyalgia. Nearly 4 years of supporting the Fibromyalgia Community and helping people to understand what Fibromyalgia is all about. 
Please visit Fibro Friday week 201 to join in these giveaways. If you are a blogger who joins in at Fibro Friday: This week please leave a comment here and also on our facebook page to go in the draw for a great prize that will benefit your blog.
If you are a reader please leave a comment here and on our facebook page to win some books about Fibromyalgia.  
If you are not on facebook we would love you to retweet one of our promos about this week on twitter.

Help us Celebrate 200 weeks of Fibromyalgia Awareness

It's Fibro Friday week 199

Fibro Friday week 199

Fibromyalgia syndrome is a common, chronic disorder with widespread muscle pain, fatigue, and multiple tender points... But there is so much more to this condition than that. 
Every week people who have FMS post articles here to help others understand what they experience. 
We are happy that you are here.  So grab your favorite cuppa, relax and enjoy visiting some interesting articles and people who have fibro.


Get Your Fibromyalgia Questions Answered

Get Your Fibromyalgia Questions answered

If you have unanswered questions about Fibromyalgia, you are in the right place. We have a great team of people living with fibromyalgia to give you their take on the real true nitty gritty of fibro.
We love to help others understand more about all aspects of FM.

You can ask your questions on our facebook page or in our newsletter, each week during November.
Don't be shy... we would love you to ask anything relating to Fibromyalgia.

Here's who will be helping you:
Susan Pearson from Living Creatively with Fibro
Terri Sutula from Reclaiming Hope
Mandy Farmer from Mandy and Michelle
Pamela Jessen from There Is Always Hope 
Bethan Jones from Hello Fibro Blog - The life of a 20 something living with Fibro
Shelley from Chronic Mom
Lee Good (that's me) from Fibro Files.

Please look at your weekly newsletter to see if your questions have been answered.
You can sign up for the newsletter here.


Do you have a Fibromyalgia diagnosis?

Fibromyalgia is a condition of widespread pain and fatigue with so many symptoms and little clinical evidence.
This makes it a difficult condition to diagnose.
Your doctor cannot detect it from a blood test nor can they see it in an x-ray.
You need to have widespread pain in all 4 quadrants of the body for 3 months or more to get a diagnosis.

When you have a diagnosis there are some treatments you can try but it is a matter of trial and error to see what works for you as at this stage there is no known cure only things that help reduce the symptoms.

If you have a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia you will find the articles here, each week, very useful in helping with different issues such as if you are still working and learning how others feel about situations that arise such as having to slow down

Fibro Friday link up for Fibro articles