
How to optimize your images to get more traffic to your blog

Many bloggers are not utilizing the power of images in their blog posts so here is how you can make sure you are doing these things. This will help get more views on your blog posts through the images you share in your blog post.

How to optimize your images to get more traffic

Firstly understand:

1. There is a thing called Google Images. It's right up there on the top right corner of your Google search page, next to Gmail. It's something that you may not give much thought to. It's the way to visually discover information on the world wide web.

2. Many people use Google Images to search for images for a variety of reasons. They may be looking for a quote or an infographic, a template or a specific type of picture. 

3. It is easier to be on the first page of Google Images than it is to be on the first page of Google Search. Why? Firstly from my own personal experience over many years blogging, with multiple blogs I have seen this and secondly because of the many number of images that are shown in Google images as compared to the 10 or so on Google Search.

4. You must have an image in your post to get social media re-shares. Optimally it would be good if you had a Pinterest size image on, or hidden in, your post so that people will share your post on Pinterest. 

5. Google reads text so you have to provide text to your images. Google's crawlers cannot see your image so any words you provide in the filename, ALT attribute and caption help Google to rank your images in Google images.

How to optimize your images to get more traffic.

This is a simplified version of what you must do to get the best views on your blog images and therefore your blog. It's as simple as ABC:

A. Save the image on your computer, in pictures, or downloads, with a name relevant to your post. As an example let's consider a post about The Benefits of Walking. The image below was called  'Image00957' and I renamed it 'walking benefits'. 

This way Google will read it as  

<img src=”walking_benefits_.png”/> which is helpful. 

Whereas <img src=”IMG00957.png”/> is not helpful at all.

B. Make sure you use the ALT attribute on the image, when you put it in your post. Alt text was designed for visually impaired screen readers to explain what the image is about. It also gives Google extra information about the image.  Try and use a relevant keyword in the ALT text to describe the image, if it is relevant. For example in the image above the ALT attribute could be ' two people enjoying the benefits of walking in nature'.

C. Use a caption under the image. Did you know that this is often the most read text on your page? Also it gives google extra information about the image and your post. The example in the image above could be 'Jimmy and Lee are getting out of the house and enjoying the many benefits of walking every day at their local parks. Here they are seen at the newly updated Gannons Park.'

Ranking your blog image in Google Images.

Here are the ranking elements that Google uses according to Rand Fishkin of Moz 

A. The image file name

B. The alt attribute on the image.

C. The image caption.

D. Surrounding text content.

E. The page title

F. The page URL 

G. Image engagement and popularity

H. The image dimensions matter.

I. Image size

J. Embeds of the image

K. Traditional web ranking factors on the existing URL

L.  Image relevance and visual match 

As you can see there is a lot more to this optimizing images thing but if you just make sure you are doing the ABC described above you should start getting more traffic from your images.

Go to Moz to see more explanation of these elements A to L elements of ranking images and also an in-depth video on SEO for photos, visuals, and graphics. 

Bonus tip for getting more traffic by using images.

According to Hostgator we should be using more real images in our blog posts:

You may be tempted to pay for a stock image. While stock images are better than no images at all, research shows that real photos can result in a 35% increase in conversion.
So this means real images that you have taken because apparently people want to see images of you and your partner going for a walk or your kitten, or your sore foot or whatever is relevant to your post. Makes sense to me. What about you? Have you ever used your own photographs in your posts? You might want to go back and check if these are your popular, shared posts.

Final tip for getting more traffic by using images.

When you are revamping your old posts don't forget to optimize the images using ABC.

Your turn. I would love to hear from you in the comments. Are you already using these techniques on your images? Have you learned something today from reading this about optimizing your blog post images to get more readers?

How to optimize your images to get more traffic to your blog


Fibro Friday week 394

WELCOME! Fibro Friday is open now at Fibro Blogger Directory (FBD). 

We'd love you to join in by sharing your link. You don't need to be a member of FBD to join in, just have an article about fibromyalgia that you have written. If you don't have a post to share we hope you have fun clicking on the links below and finding out what bloggers living with fibro have to say this week. It's a great way to find new fibro friends.

We have some wonderful people who link up here each week including Melinda who blogs at Looking for the Light which is a magazine-style blog with a focus on health and chronic illness. Melinda isLife Lover, Photographer, Chronic Illness and Mental Health Advocate, and Book Reviewer. She has articles about health awareness days, how to help our friends in need and interesting book reviews just to name a few topics.  

Why not leave your link below and then go and visit Melinda's info packed site?

Fibro Friday week 394 a fibromyalgia link up

Fibro Friday week 394

Fibro Friday week 393

WELCOME to this week's Fibro Friday. We are pleased to have you visiting this week's fibromyalgia link-up. 

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition that is often referred to as FMS or Fibro.  

The link-up is a weekly information sharing site about this condition. People with fibro drop in to share their recent articles about living with it in order to help others. 


How long has Fibro Friday been going? It was started in October, 2014. 

Who can join in Fibro Friday? Anyone who has an article to share about fibromyalgia can join in. 

Why was Fibro Friday started? It began as a place for people who blogged about fibromyalgia to share those blog posts. Also as a central place for people to come and see what fibro bloggers were writing about that week. This way people could learn more about fibromyalgia and share their personal stories with it.

Who started Fibro Friday? Lee at Fibro Blogger Directory (this site). The very first fibro bloggers to join in were Sue Ingebretson who still joins in each week, Donna Grant, Dawn SantosRobert Smith, Cassie Baxter, Janet McKenzie and Lee Good.  

Why is it called Fibro Friday? Because it is about fibro, aka fibromyalgia, and it starts every week on a Friday and runs most of the week. 

We love you to join in by clicking the link below that says 'Add your link'.

Fibro Friday week 393

Fibro Friday week 393

Fibro Friday week 392

 WELCOME to this week's fibromyalgia link up where we share articles from fabulous fibro bloggers who live with fibromyalgia and try to raise awareness of this chronic pain condition.

This week we are highlighting Sue Ingebretson who has been blogging at Rebuilding Wellness since 2009. She was one of the earliest members of Fibro Blogger Directory and has many interesting posts including Remarkable Healing Benefits of Therapy Dogs for People with FibromyalgiaFibromyalgia Peach Paradigm and Fibromyalgia Symptoms Multiply – Here’s Why. 

Now it's time to Scroll down for this week's posts, to join in and also to share some of the articles too. Thank you.

Fibromyalgia link up Fibro Friday week 392

Fibro Friday week 392 - fibromyalgia link up