
Fibro Tip of the Week

Here at Fibro Blogger Directory we love tips for coping with Fibromyalgia and we hope that's why you are here because every week we'll provide you with a new idea. In the past some of the tips have been How to cope with Dizziness, using Distraction to avoid pain and the Free Wellness Workbook.

Fibro Tip of the Week

This week we have some ideas associated with our emotional health from Terri at Reclaiming Health on an area that affects many of us at different times in our life - Guilt - and specifically the guilt we feel when we have to say no. This is something people with chronic illness often have to do in order to look after ourselves. The feelings of guilt can tire us physicaly, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Terri has written an interesting and relatable article called Getting Past The Guilt When Pain Stops You and includes four practical ideas to help us get past that guilt.

Please visit Terri's blog to find out more.

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