Showing posts with label Weekly Blogging Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weekly Blogging Challenge. Show all posts


The Weekly Blogging Challenge - week 10

If you are looking for blogging inspiration you are in the right place... Welcome to The Weekly Blogging Challenge week 10. Here you will find a blogging prompt to inspire you to share your stories with the world.

The Weekly Blogging Challenge  week 10

This week's word is RESILIENCE.

The meaning of resilience is the capacity to recover from difficulties: toughness.

BUT I know you want more! So please sign up to receive your bonuses. If you have already signed up the look in your email box asap for more blogging inspiration.

Weekly Blogging Challenge - week 9

Weekly Blogging Challenge - week 9
Welcome to The Weekly Blogging Challenge, designed to give you an idea to blog about.
This week's Blogging Challenge is CHANGE. 

So remember this is just a blogging prompt, and not an assignment, which means you can use it in whatever way you wish to inspire a post.

Brainstorm: Use a pen and paper and write down 25 ideas around the blogging prompt, no matter how stupid you think they are. 1 of them is sure to inspire a post. Or get some free title suggestions by signing up here.

Some extra inspiration for this week's word CHANGE.
If you are like me and your head is spinning with ideas (or is it Fibro Fog?!) you may appreciate some extra ideas for writing about change.
You could explain:
  • how your approach to your Fibromyalgia has changed over the time you have had it.
  • how you have stopped doing something that you use to do. This could be a treatment.  It could be an activity that you use to be able to do and can no longer do because of Fibro. Maybe you have taken up new hobbies and activities that others would like to hear about.
  • how change is a good thing or a bad thing and why.
  • treatment changes over the years in the Fibromyalgia area. You could create a chart or an info graph to share in social media.
  • how your friends changed when you were diagnosed or how they think you have changed.
  • How your blog has changed over the years and why.
  • Simple hacks you use to cope with daily challenges.
Titles could be:
  • Why I No longer...
  • When change is a good thing
  • How changing 3 simple things helped my Fibro symptoms
  • If you don't change this may happen to you too!
  • 2018: What's changing with Fibromyalgia
  • Why Doctor's should change how they treat Fibro
  • The change I made that did not help my Fibromyalgia
  • How Fibro fog (or any symptom) has changed my life.
  • 3 things my friends say about me since I've had Fibro
  • Why Fibromyalgia shouldn't change anything
  • How people with Fibromyalgia should change their...
  • 3 new things that saved my life.
  • How and why Fibromyalgia made me change the way I approach...(the doctor, shopping, hose work, my job, family events, everything in my life, thoughts about death.)


Don't forget to look at the Pre Publish Checklist before publishing your post. It's the simple way to insure you've covered all bases. 

We have many other blogging prompts and challenges to help you (if you don't like this one). 

To get more free inspiration for blogging please sign up here 

Weekly Blogging Challenge week 8

Weekly Blogging Challenge week 8
This week's blogging prompt is TREATMENTS. 

Weekly Blogging Challenge Week 7

Welcome to the Weekly Blogging Challenge.
Weekly Blogging Challenge week 7

To participate in the blogging challenge is simple - all you need to do is write a post, on your own blog or a video, that responds in some way to the prompt word.

Here is your blogging prompt to get you started. We hope that you will personalize it and make it your own for your blog and your readers. This week it is FOOD. 

You might also like to take a look at our past blogging prompts for more writing inspiration.

Please sign up below if you do not already receive The Weekly Blogging Challenge email and you will get a weekly reminder, links where you can share the post and other bonuses.

P.S. You might also like our free email course Build a Better Blog


Weekly Blogging Challenge week 6

Weekly Blogging Challenge week 6
Welcome to the Weekly Blogging Challenge where we offer you a blogging prompt as a suggestion for your next blog post. We hope you can join in and get some bonus boosts too by submitting your email below. We will send you a weekly reminder and your bonuses... and it's all free.

This Week's Weekly Blogging Challenge is 3 Top Tips For Coping with Fibromyalgia Pain.
We hope this gives you some inspiration to write an article or create a video for your blog.


Weekly Blogging Challenge 5

Weekly Blogging Challenge 5

Welcome to the Weekly Blogging Challenge which we hope will inspire you to create a post for your blog.

Easing the pain of fibromyalgia naturally
is what this week's challenge is all about.

BUT sign up below to get the extra bonus help and weekly reminder challenge. You won't want to miss out on this week's bonus which will boost your blog even further.

Remember this is just a blogging prompt... you can create your own title, this is just a jumping off point. You may want to talk about one natural or alternative thing that you have tried, or everything that you have tried. Maybe your post is about the fact that you have treated your Fibro successfully with medications and that you don't believe in natural treatments OR vice a versa. 

Happy Blogging!

Weekly Blogging Challenge 4

Welcome to the Weekly Blogging Challenge. 

Weekly Blogging Challenge 4

If you are looking for blogging inspiration you are in the right place.

This week's challenge is the word CHALLENGE!

What has been your biggest CHALLENGE in learning to live with Fibromyalgia. 
It doesn't have to be something ground shattering... just your own individual thing that you are trying to overcome or have overcome.

If you are looking for more blogging ideas please see our previous week's challenges and also our blogging prompts

You can sign up to be sent weekly email notifications here.

Weekly Blogging Challenge 3

Weekly Blogging Challenge

JOIN US for this weekly free challenge.

This week's Blogging Prompt is DIAGNOSIS

WHAT IS A BLOGGING PROMPT? It is a suggestion for you to blog about if you are looking for ideas. It may give you an idea to get you started on blog post. It may spark ideas to get you past a block.  

JOIN UP for this free challenge, get bonus places to post and more.

To find out more about these blogging prompts and the weekly blogging challenge, please go here.

Weekly Blogging Challenge 2

Weekly Blogging Challenge 2

WELCOME to the Weekly Blogging Challenge.

JOIN US for this free challenge.


WHAT IS A BLOGGING PROMPT? It is a suggestion for you to blog about if you are looking for ideas. It may give you an idea to get you started on blog post. It may spark ideas to get you past a block.  

JOIN UP for this free challenge, get bonus places to post and more.

To find out more about these blogging prompts and the weekly blogging challenge, please go here.

The Weekly Blogging Challenge - week 1

Weekly Fibromyalgia Blogging Prompt

WELCOME to the first Weekly Blogging Challenge.

This week's Blogging Prompt is EXERCISE.

WHAT IS A BLOGGING PROMPT? It is a suggestion for you to blog about if you are looking for ideas. It may give you an idea to get you started on blog post. It may spark ideas to get you past a block.  

So this week it is anything to do with exercise and fibromyalgia - if you exercise, why you exercise, why you don't exercise, what exercise does for you, what exercises you have tried, what works and what does not work, why you couldn't possibly live without exercise, why you just can't ever exercise, what exercise you use to do before fibromyalgia, how fibro has affected your fitness, yoga, dancing, walking, running, gym, etc, what you need others to understand about Fibro and exercise, your specific exercise program, why you will never exercise again, what exercise does to you.....

JOIN UP for this free challenge, get bonus places to post and more.

To find out more about these blogging prompts and the weekly blogging challenge, please go here.


The Weekly Blogging Challenge - blogging just got easier

We are here to solve one of the biggest blogging challenges: what do I write about? 
Sometimes, life just gets in the way... and well, sometimes Chronic Pain gets in the way.

Sometimes we just feel that we have nothing to say or just don't know what to write about anymore.

Enter The Weekly Blogging Challenge.
A weekly topic, just for you, that you can personalize in your own way to suit your blog.

To participate in The Challenge, simply publish a post on your own blog that responds to the prompt that we provide. You can use your own title, your own tone, and of course you will have your own unique voice and style. It is not an assignment or something you have to do but just a gentle suggestion or starting point when you are not feeling inspired.

You can of course use the Blogging Prompt to write a weekly post for your blog. You may prefer to create a video or podcast. Or just use it when the topic inspires you.

There is a bonus on some weeks - your post can be linked to a Fibro Blogger Directory article... like this one here.

Of course we would love you to share your post at Fibro Friday each and every week as well.


  • check out the weekly blog prompt
  • create some content using it as a jumping off point
  • link it up to Fibro Friday
  • link it to the bonus article (if there is one that week) 

We will post a Blogging Prompt for The Weekly Blogging Challenge here every Tuesday.

In the meantime you can checkout past Blogging Prompts.

Please sign up below for The Weekly Blogging Challenge. You will receive reminders, and links to where you can share your posts. 

Happy Blogging from Lee Good.

P.S. You might also like our free course Build A Better Blog.