
How to exercise with fibromyalgia

exercising with fibromyalgia

Many people struggle with how to exercise when living with Fibro. Here is what some people with Fibromyalgia are saying about exercise and what they recommend: 

Getting back to daily yoga by Beverley at Blooming Mindfulness
"daily yoga is a big part of my mental health being good"

Meet My Motivators by Sally at Fibromyalgia Set Me Free
"we go to the common, beach or forest where we spend a minimum of 30 minutes, usually 45"


Gentle Healing with QiGong by Sue at Rebuilding Wellness
"By moving slowly and gently, I was able to gradually increase my range of motion and the strength of my little-used muscles..."


Yoga for Fibromyalgia…yes, you can do it!! by Tracey at Fibro Fantastic
"yoga can indeed help us to endure what cannot be cured, which is good news for those of us with Fibromyalgia."


Exercise with Chronic Illness? Yes, You Can! by Katie Cupcake at Life With Me
" sometimes you may be able to do some physical activity that you can’t on other days 


My Hydrotherapy Treatment  by Katie Cupcake at Life With Me
"My main aim is to strengthen my muscles (which have weakened from a lot of bed rest) and to use the warm water and stretching to aid in pain relief."


11 Tips for Exercising with  Chronic Pain  by Julie at Counting My Spoons
"You don’t have to do a training regimine, just do your best to stay active despite chronic pain."

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