
Fibro thoughts from people living with fibromyalgia.

Here you will find many thoughts about fibromyalgia and what it is like living with it. If you click on the names of the people making these comments you will be taken to more information and the context of what they have said. 

thoughts from people living with fibromyalgia.

'Diagnosis with fibromyalgia or any chronic illness can be life changing. Bewilderment, sadness, anger, fear and a torrent of other emotions can come to the surface as a newly diagnosed patient.' ~ Sarah Warburton

'I was done feeling awful and hiding it. I was done putting productivity in front of my ability to reduce my pain and sickness. Yup, in that moment I decided feeling good was my number one priority and everything else could happen second.' ~ Leah Tyler


'If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard (or said) that stress impacts the symptoms of fibromyalgia, I’d be rich. I’m pretty sure that those of us who live with fibromyalgia already know that stress effects the symptoms of fibromyalgia.' ~ Julie Ryan


'Back in 2011 when i got the Diagnose Fibromyalgia, i was more than happy that my healthy problems now had a name. But after a while i realised, it changed nothing. I still have my pain, i still have to fight to get accepted.' ~ Bettina Bier


'It's important to address both the physical and mental aspects of fibromyalgia in order to manage the condition effectively. The pain and limitations caused by fibromyalgia can increase the risk of developing depression and anxiety. ' ~ Thom Byxbe


'I realize now that I take the approach with doctors that they are automatically going to doubt me. I explain to them that I understand my nociceptors are wacko, that I don’t perceive pain properly, that it’s like brain damage.' Dee Dee


'Just because I'm smiling doesn't mean I'm pain free. I live in pain 24/7 but I refuse to let it stop me' ~ Bethan Catherine Jones at Hello Fibro Blog


'I know what it’s like to feel out of control when it comes to symptoms such as pain, fatigue, memory loss, super-sensitivities, and dizziness. If you’re familiar with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, autoimmune challenges, and chronic illness in general, you know what I’m talking about.' ~ Sue Ingebretson


'Yes, Fibromyalgia is incredibly painful. It’s not one type of pain, there are multiple ways of feeling that pain. The types of pain that people with chronic pain can feel also seem neverending... No wonder so many Fibromyalgia patients are physically miserable.' ~ Chronic Mom


'The biggest change in my life that followed my fibromyalgia diagnosis was leaving my career because I just physically could not keep up any longer with the demands of the job. I’ve never felt more conflicted about making a decision.' ~ Katarina Zulak


'Fibromyalgia is one of the most common types of chronic pain disorders. Awareness of fibromyalgia has increased and it has been accepted as a legitimate medical condition. Yet, fibromyalgia continues to be a hard-to-diagnose condition.' ~ Sue 


'But the most distressing thing about Fibromyalgia is people not recognising, or even believing, that your experiences are real. Even today, there is still a significant lack of understanding around fibromyalgia in terms of its causes, diagnostics and how to best manage it.' ~ Barbara 


'From the time the term ‘fibromyalgia’ was first used in the late 1990s to today, this condition hasn’t had many breakthroughs in the research/medical fields. And despite the millions diagnosed with fibromyalgia, it largely remains a mystery to many specialists, researchers, and organizations.' ~ Brandi 


'It is no secret that my secret is that I have Fibromyalgia. I am living with an invisible, chronic illness that is beating me up while pretending otherwise. To the eyes of people, I am too young, too lively, too good looking or even too faithful to be sick (I know, I’ve heard it all).' ~ Kooki Honor


'If you are like most people who have experienced ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, POTS or a similar syndrome, there is a real sense of relief when you finally receive a diagnosis. At least you know what you have now, rather than being labelled a hypochondriac.' ~ Dan Neuffer


'With fibromyalgia you need to:  Learn what feels good and what doesn’t. Accept your limits. Put these habits into practice.' ~ Emmie 


'My chronic fatigue, that comes from a couple of my chronic illnesses, is the thing that has been bothering me the most. It stops me from doing a lot of the things that I love and I honestly feel so frustrated and annoyed when I cannot do the things I want.' ~ Beverley


17 FIBRO Thoughts from people living with fibromyalgia

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