
Fibro Friday week 483

WELCOME to Fibro Friday where you will find articles about living and coping with fibromyalgia. This week we had 13 fibro related posts which you can find here. Four of them were about what we eat and drink, and other subjects included lions, handling the holidays, pacing and yoga. Thank you to everyone joining in and sharing their articles. 

Fibro Friday the fibromyalgia link up week 483


Information about Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and Doctors

Here we have some interesting articles for you about fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, two chronic illnesses both with symptoms of pain and fatigue. 

What makes these articles different is that they have been written by people living with the conditions. We also have some helpful articles about doctors specific to when you are living with chronic illness. Just click on the links below to be taken to the full articles.

Fibro Fighters sharing their stories

πŸ’œ Dale Rockell shares his observations as a photograher, living with fibromyalgia, when visiting the big city of London for the day. 

Living with Fibro and it’s many challenging symptoms means taking many things into account to make the most of my day and navigate the hustle and bustle of the city. The Fibro Challenges Of A Day In London

πŸ’œ The results of a study into physical activity and sleep in both Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia at Fibro Files.

πŸ’œ Blogger Bar reviews her to 5 Fibromyalgia books 

This book is an indispensable resource that empowers fibromyalgia patients to take charge of a debilitating disease and get the health care they deserve.

πŸ’œ Melissa vs Fibromyalgia is a busy Mother and here she reveals her tried and tested ways of staying organised. Today I’m spilling the beans on the super simple systems that help keep me organised with chronic illness in Staying Organised with Chronic Illness – 4 Systems I Rely On

πŸ’œ Carrie Kellenberger shares her chronic pain story and explains the creative ways she copes with the pain in Finding New Creative Ways To Combat Pain.

πŸ’œ Are Doctors Biased Against Patients? And if so, does it affect the treatment they provide. Julie answers these questions through a survey done by Medscape.

πŸ’œ Glenys talks about issues she is having with her medications in Being your own doctor.

πŸ’œ Thom Byxbe states the case for what he believes is The One Relationship You Can’t Afford to Neglect

πŸ’œ In Epic Life Upgrade Thom explains what is needed to get motivated and move from stagnation to triumph.

πŸ’œ I want to share a bit of my journey with chronic fatigue. It’s a tough road, but through the ups and downs, I’ve found some strategies that really make a difference in my chronic life. Let’s dive in together.

Cynthia Covert shares her strategies in My Journey with Chronic Fatigue: Finding Energy and Joy in Daily Life

πŸ’œ Helen praises the Power of THANKFULNESS to bring more happiness & inner peace into your life and shares 4 tips for increasing it. 

πŸ’œ Sue Ingebretson discusses how sensitive many of us are when living with Fibromyalgia in her post on Fibromyalgia Hyper-Sensitivity 

I’ve often said that I’m thankful for fibromyalgia. Learning how to analyze and deal with chronic illness has taught me powerful lessons I wouldn’t have learned any other way.

πŸ’œ Glenys Hicks shares a link to the housekeeping lists that she follows when living with many chronic illnesses in This is a great help.

πŸ’œ In How To Describe Fibromyalgia Pain To Your Doctor Sue Daze shares tips to help fibromyalgia sufferers be less misunderstood by their medical professionals. 

πŸ’œ What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) – the answer might surprise according to Dan Neuffer.

πŸ’œ My Fight to Be Diagnosed With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is where Bethan Jones explains her search to find what, on top of her fibromyalgia, was causing her such extra and extreme fatigue. 

1. The Fibro Challenges Of A Day In London  
2. Physical Activity and Sleep in CFS & Fibromyalgia Syndrome  
4. 4 systems I rely on to stay organised with chronic illness
5. Creative ways to cope with pain
6. Are Doctors Biased Against Patients?  
7. Being your own doctor  
8. The One Relationship You Can’t Afford to Neglect  
9. Epic Life Upgrade: From Stagnation to Triumph  
10. My Journey with Chronic Fatigue: Finding Energy and Joy in Daily Life  
11. The power of thankfulness, yes even with chronic illness!  
12. Fibromyalgia Hyper-Sensitivity  
13. Glenys Hicks This is a great help


Fibro Friday week 482

WELCOME BACK to Fibro Friday!  Fibro Friday is how we can help spread fibromyalgia awareness. Thank you to everyone who shared their links here. This week we had 11 fibromyalgia related links and you can find them HERE.

The articles included holiday stress tips, food and gift suggestions, medications and laughter.

Fibro Friday

Fibro Friday blog link up

Fibro Friday articles week 481

 WELCOME to this week's Fibromyalgia link-up. We are so glad you could join in this week. Will you share a post? Will you visit some of the posts linked-up today or last week? Will you reshare them on your social media? It all helps raise the profile of Fibromyalgia.

Fibro Friday articles

This week we had 13 fibromyalgia article links and you can find them HERE
Information about Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue includes articles such as fibro books reviewed, a sleep study and personal stories about fibro, and chronic fatigue. It also include three articles to help you when dealing with your doctors. 

Fibro Friday articles