
Fibromyalgia Information

Welcome to Fibro Friday. We are so pleased you are here. 
We are sharing up-to-date Fibromyalgia information and articles to help people understand more about Fibro and find other people to connect with who have fibro.

Please join in by sharing a link and visiting a link or just simple clicking on the topics that interest you. 

Each week you will find helpful articles and techniques to help you live with this condition such as How I Handle Fibro Flare Days and 8 Simple Meal Ideas for the Chronically Ill and 10 Ways to Master Resilience When you have Fibromyalgia, product reviews such as The Sit & Sigh Bath Cushion and articles on the latest research into Fibromyalgia (FM).


Fibro Tip of the Week - blogging with speech recognition

This week's fibro tip comes from Living With Fibromyalgia which is run by a guy with Fibro who loves technical tips to help make living with Fibromyalgia much easier. In his Dragon Naturally Speaking video and article he explains how to blog faster by using speech recognition.

This is a great tip for people who have chronic pain, muscle problems and RSI or Carpel Tunnel. he has other great articles including:


Fibro Friday week 177

Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a common and chronic disorder which has widespread muscle pain, fatigue, and multiple tender points... But there is so much more to this condition than that. 
Every week people who have FMS post articles here to help others understand what they experience. 
Welcome to Fibro Friday. We are pleased you are here.


The Weekly Blogging Challenge - week 10

If you are looking for blogging inspiration you are in the right place... Welcome to The Weekly Blogging Challenge week 10. Here you will find a blogging prompt to inspire you to share your stories with the world.

The Weekly Blogging Challenge  week 10

This week's word is RESILIENCE.

The meaning of resilience is the capacity to recover from difficulties: toughness.

BUT I know you want more! So please sign up to receive your bonuses. If you have already signed up the look in your email box asap for more blogging inspiration.