
Fibro Friday week 413

WELCOME to this week's Fibro Friday link-up and thank you for stopping by

Here you will be able to find some new fibro friends, check out what people have to say about fibromyalgia, see what your favorite bloggers are writing about fibro and other chronic illness-related issues this week, and link up your own post.

Readers will find interesting and helpful information, from people who have fibromyalgia, by clicking on the numbered links below. This is a wonderful way to find more fibro friends if you are living with this chronic pain condition. 

Fibro Friday link-up week 413

Fibro Friday week 413


  1. Finally, feeling like I can participate again. Sure appreciate this group.

    1. So great to hear that Katie on both counts and thanks for joining in with such a stellar post about Rewiring The Fibro Brain (no 7)


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