WELCOME to Fibro Friday, named because it starts here on Fibro Blogger Directory each Friday and it's about fibro which is the slang version of the word fibromyalgia. (In medical research it is often called FM or FMS which stands for Fibromyalgia syndrome.)
Fibro Friday is a place where many people who live with fibromyalgia share the link to a recent article they have written about it.
They do so to help others understand more about this chronic pain condition. We hope you can join in and share the link to Fibro Friday so more people can access these articles.
Last week we had helpful articles about fibro flares, finances, coping during pregnancy, mindfulness, sleep and more.
I once suffered horribly with fibromyalgia. Thankfully, I discovered a natural supplement, that's not expensive, that cured me and I no longer need to take it. I'd like everyone to have the opportunity to try laminine. It also cured me of neuropathy. And I've now read a book by Dr Marley Robbins and learned how to cure the fatigue that I have still been suffering from. The supplements he has recommended have worked wonderfully. I finally have my life back and I want to help anyone that's interested in learning how to improve their health specifically from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. My website is lastingweightloss.net. There is a connection to the laminine website so you can see for yourself and educate yourself and hopefully feel better.