
This week's Fibromyalgia articles - week 511

Here are 10 excellent articles on fibromyalgia written by individuals who truly understand the condition. Discover some intriguing alternative treatment options you may not have explored yet. 

1. The Single Focus Of Medical Professionals By Dale Rockell at Fibro & Photos.
"The point of this post is to share the reaction of the Dr when I mentioned that my theory was that my challenges with my vision was a symptom of my central sensitivity/Fibromyalgia."

2. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Update & Schedule For Intensive Sessions Some background information on these therapy sessions to reduce fibromyalgia symptoms. 

3. CAN SPINAL CORD STIMULATORS HELP YOU TAKE FEWER PAINKILLERS?… explains the advances in spinal cord stimulators to help people with back pain. By Blogger Bar at Back Pain Blog UK. 

 4. 8 Ways Chronic Pain Changes You ~ "
There are many ways chronic pain changes you, but today I’ve decided to focus on eight basic facts about life with pain." From Carrie at My Several Worlds.

 5. My Diagnostic Nightmare involves increased symptoms, including extreme fatigue, strange blood test results, visits to many specialists and the E.D. and no diagnosis. Johanna describes her experiences and writes a letter to the Emergency Department that she visited. 

 6. The Healing Power for Men: Navigating Fibromyalgia expounds on how fibromyalgia affects men and has stories of how the healing power of love helped men with fibro. From Thom Byxbe's research Desk.

 7. The Healing Power of Love: Navigating Pain with Compassion explores the ability of love to heal when one partner is living with Fibromyalgia.

 8. Chiropractic has helped my chronic pain Melissa shares how chiropractic treatment has helped her pain symptoms over the last eight months. 

 9. Not any time soon is about the experience of a family, living with multiple chronic illnesses, all catching RSV -which is Respiratory syncytial virus.

Fibromyalgia Relief and Ancient Chinese Medicine: Tai Chi, Acupuncture, and Tui Na an indepth article written by Dr. Paula Bruno, Ph.D., L.Ac.

Thank you to everyone who joined in at Fibro Friday week 511 sharing your wonderful sites and raising fibromyalgia awareness. We love visiting all the fibro blogs. 

If you would like to join in and share a post of yours about fibromyalgia you can do so each week at the Fibro Friday link up. 
Fibromyalgia information

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