
Fibro Friday week 521

 WELCOME to Fibro Friday a link-up all about Fibromyalgia. We hope it helps others to understand more about Fibromyalgia and its many challenges. 

Fibro Friday blog linky

While you are here please take this opportunity to have a look at previous week's link-ups or share some of these fibro blogs on your own social media.

 The Constant Fibro Challenge Of Sleep has some simple suggestions for getting more sleep

A Journey Through The Fog A short fibro story describing a day in the life of someone with fibromyalgia.
 Things that make fibromyalgia worse is a video about delayed diagnosis and under treatment in Fibromyalgia. 
 Skin-Related Fibromyalgia Symptoms explains the why and what of skin conditions that are often seen with fibromyalgia.

Cooling Blanket Review is an honest review of the Marchpower cooling blanket. 

10 Tips for Newly Diagnosed Fibromyalgia Sufferers… has practical suggestions that you may not have considered to make your life easier.

A Primer for Pain Awareness Month This September includes what is chronic pain, its impact on daily life, treatment options, the impact on mental health and a free download on non verbal signs of pain.

Fibro Friday the fibromyalgia blog linky

Thank you for joining us today and thank you to 
Dale Rockell, 
This Fibro Chick, 
Melissa Reynolds, 
Sue Vickers, 
Cynthia the Disabled Diva, 
Blogger Bar 
and Carrie Kellenberger 
for sharing their fibro blog posts this week. 

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