Showing posts with label Blogging ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging ideas. Show all posts


Join in for Pain Awareness Month at Fibro Bloggers

pain awareness month
Hi everyone,
In September you can join in with Fibro Bloggers Directory on promoting understanding of pain that people with fibromyalgia experience.
If you have a post about pain please share it here (in comments) so we can compile it into a resource for everyone to understand the types of fibro pain that exist.
On twitter you can share your tweets about pain under #fibropain or you can retweet our tweets.
On facebook, tumblr we have picture quotes that you can share and use in your posts. 
On pinterest we have fibro boards already and have started a new one called Pain Awareness. This is a community board which means you can post there. Please have a look.
We hope you are inspired to help others so they can get real stories about fibro pain from real people.


Find out what other fibro bloggers are saying today

Fibro bloggers

Are you feeling the need to connect and find out what other fibro bloggers are blogging about? Just go to the Directory to choose from over 90 blogs.

Too lazy to do that?
Just click on the links below to see some recent posts by Fibro Blogger Directory members.


Poetry by people with chronic pain and fibro

Poetry by people with chronic pain and fibro

We live with so many strong feelings when we have chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia. Writing poetry and pouring out our emotions onto the page can be very therapeutic.  It also leaves something that other people can relate to and find connection and comfort in. We hope that you can find some solace here amongst the many pain-related poems. 

Kim from I Tripped Over a Stone wrote this poem of strength to Fibromyalgia. Please visit her blog for more of her Fibro journey told from her heart. 

Poetry by people with chronic pain and fibro

Fighting Fibromyalgia shared the poem below about Fibromyalgia asking for understanding. Please visit her blog for uplifting quotes and to read the poem clearly.

Poetry about pain

Nikki at Brainless Blogger wrote 'It Took' about Fibromyalgia. (below) She has written other poems which you can read at her blog.

Poetry by people with  fibro

A LOOK INTO THE MIRROR by Suzanne at Fibro Mom Blog

I look into the mirror and I wonder
I remember who you used to be
Are you still the same?  
I look into the mirror and I wonder
Do you still want the same things?
Are you still the same?
I look into the mirror and I wonder
Are you still motivated and ambitious?
I remember that you used to be
Are you still the same?
I look into the mirror and I wonder
Is this the same person that walked a half marathon?
I remember when you did that
Are you still the same?
I look into the mirror and I know
The pain has changed you but…
You are still the same
You are still caring and loving
You are still passionate and giving
You are still ambitious and productive
I look into the mirror and I see you
Not Fibromyalgia! 

Here is just a part of Valda's:

The loneliness of this disease
just claws within my soul
and makes my pain so much to bear --
a mean and nasty foe.

But the wisdom of those simple words
console me through tough times
and soar within my soul like birds
with love and joy divine!
Visit her site to read the whole beautiful poem.

And part of the poem that inspired this post:

Isn’t it strange, how nature makes you forget,
That terrible pain you have and continually get.
It comes in waves when you least expect it,
And you think, please stop now and give me a rest for a bit.
Read the rest at Back Pain Blog

Don't Tell Me that you understand, a poem by Joanetta Hendel

Don't tell me that you understand
Don't tell me that you know,
Don't tell me that I will survive
Or how I will surely grow.

Don't tell me that this is just a test
That I am truly blessed
That I am chosen for this task
Apart from all the rest.

Don't come at me with answers
That can only come from me,
Don't tell me how my grief will pass,
That I will soon be free.

Don't stand in pious judgment
Of the bounds I must untie,
Don't tell me how to suffer
And don't tell me how to cry!

My life is filled with selfishness,
My pain is all I see,
But, I need you now,
I need your love, unconditionally.

Accept me in my ups and downs,
I need someone to share,
Just hold my hand and let me cry,
And say, "My friend, I care."

Poetry by people with chronic pain and fibromyalgia
Shared by Pain Fighter at Fighting Fibromyalgia

Poetry by people with chronic pain and fibro

Pain has an element of blank by Emily Dickinson

Pain poetry


My face has changed; my expression bare.

This is my pain, that so many share. 
The smiles and joy that I once knew so well. 
Have vanished before me; a living hell. 

I see those who are active and those who can dance.

I want those happy moments. I need hopeful plans.
But when I look in the mirror, all I can see
Is fatigue in my eyes, and a frown before me.

Oh I try to push through. I can act for a bit.

But my body still hurts, and my mind is still wrecked.
And now and again I feel a bit better
But I’m tricked in believing my pain has been severed.

The next day I wake, in the middle of the night.

The pain is back in full, it’s a horrible fright. 
So I lay there hoping my mind will shut down.
And pray it’s a dream. When I wake I’ll be found.

It’s just not fair that so many live

While I suffer in silence with nothing to give. 
And despair comes a calling; it thinks it’s a friend.
But I hate it and so want her visits to end. 

I know people all struggle, they mirror my pain.

They mirror my expression, and that keeps me sane.
Not that others can suffer and deeply as I
but, that others can understand my longings and sighs.

So I look in the mirror, and I put on a smile

I’m going to fight this for more than awhile. 
I’m going to see in the mirror, my beauty that shines.
I must let it out, my hopes must not hide.

It’s a daily battle of wills for my life

So it’s round one today, I’m up for the fight.
I will kick and scream into the night.
I will keep my eyes fixed on the light. 

May others who see my reflection this year

See my expression but, not see my fear. 

My I find those who suffer, may we all stand as one.
And may this damn illness not burn out my fun.

All I ask is a moment, when life feels the same.

As I longingly recall, when I knew not this pain.
My Faith will protect me, my friends will be there.
And we will share with each other, how we all care.

I will look in this mirror, and change things around.

Amidst all this pain, no despair shall be found. 
Each day I’ll renew, this promise to me
And that in itself will keep my hope free.

Douglas W. Koehler ©2014 All Rights Reserved.

My bones are getting old and tired
And worn out oh so fast
I’m only 56 years old
I thought these bones would last

But no, they’re breaking far too quick
So what’s a girl to do
But drink her milk and take B12
And other vitamins too

Instead of staying up all night
I go to bed at nine
No more a shot of whiskey
Metamucil does just fine

I wheeze through my aerobics class
I huff going up the stairs
I worry about incontinence
And wear Depends in pairs

It’s too late now, but I sure wish
I’d purchased stock in Tums
I’d think about how rich I’d be
Each time the heartburn comes

I hear my doctor bought a boat
From what he’s earned off me
He named her Patient Pamela
And took her out to sea

I hope these bones decide to last
At least a few more years
Although they snap and crackle and pop
And leave me often in tears

There still so much I want to do
So hang in there, bones of mine
I’ll lie for you when people ask
And say, I’m feeling fine

I’ll eat the veggies, drink the milk
I’ll pop the B12 too
Just to keep you bones around awhile
For I’m rather fond of you!

From Pamela Jessen of There Is Always Hope 
and originally shared on The Mighty.

A Spoonie Shower

A journey needs to be made
the need is undeniable but yet is put off able:
It’s such a long way to go and so many spoons to use
for what? Some temporary respite from the endless
spite of hyperhidrosis, must I? But I do.

Each pealed off layer of clothing
exposes new layers of exhaustion
and yes this very act of preparation
causes my pores to flow, ironic I know!

As I step into the flowing water
my eyes briefly close, a mistake
because my balance goes.
This jolt of reality triggers a reflex
my hand finds the railing where it grabs hold.

With my eyes open but unseeing
my mind departs and travels abroad.
The sensation of a rainforest transports me
tropically scented gel gives pleasure to the nasal cavities
as it travels to destinations within reach.

For a few fleeting moments,
I give in to the deluge.
The water washes away all doubt
why did I delay this for so long?
For the shortest minutes, I’ve vacated a Fibro life.

But then awareness prickles my joints
 as the familiar ache resumes tenure
and the moment is passed.
I must leave the enclosure and
my life resume.

So begins the chores of swaddling,
futilely rubbing at the moisture
as the cleansing waters of verticle bathing depart
so a sensation arrives on my forehead, newly wet
hyperhidrosis glows as if gloating
you have me if you wanted to get wet!

From Susan Pearson at Living Creatively with Fibro

I do not recognise myself standing in the many shadows of you.
You, towering, all-consuming, ever present but hidden away, in plain sight.
Yet I feel you in every part of me. Trying to become me.
Not all monsters lurk like you.
Once awakened, you thrive, clamour, steal, reverberate …through the length and breath of my mortal body, 
Silently leaving deadly, indelible traces of your mark, like on a cracked egg, ready to fall apart,
any, anytime now, but still holding itself together as the lines spread and spread,
Until I am finally broken.
Your crack lines emerge in places impossible. 
From earthen shell to the soul and heartland of me.
Breaking, smashing, pillaging anything and everything, until I am nothing of my former self; nothing of possible Me(s).
But even broken things can be beautiful. 
With floods of tears and streams of blood I shall, I shall put me back together again.
I emerge not the ‘Me’ that once was, was to be or had been imagined with dreams for the future.

I rise as someone, something else entirely–Pained but persevering. Flawed but fluid. Broken but beautiful and believing that I shall conquer.
I am and will be the ‘Me’ that never was imagined.
I am the ‘Me’ that’s emerged from the ashes of pain.
I will not fit your cardboard cutouts or your nicely stenciled stereotypes.
And I am not sorry.
To survive, I change. Constantly. 
As the monster morphs so will I – imperfect still, but ready to give bloody hell in all battles to come.
Written by Alisha at The Invisible F 

Rumi poem about pain

Have you written a pain poem? Why not add the link here in comments so it can be included here. It's also a great idea for a heartfelt unique post.



Fibro Bloggers Unite


Connect with other bloggers by commenting on their blogs, visiting their blogs and following their blogs. This is advice that gets included in almost every post ever written on how to grow a blog’s visitors. This seems pretty basic to me but maybe some people just don't get it so I have written here, in point form, the benefits of visiting other fibro bloggers blogs both from how you benefit and how the condition of Fibromyalgia benefits.

Visiting other peoples blogs makes your own blog stronger:
  • Leaving comments gets you new readers.
  • Following "brands" your blog and gets you exposure.
  • Educates you on what makes a good post and a good blog.
  • Helps you see what topics are engaging audiences.
  • Helps you see what you have to offer that others don't.
Visiting other people's blogs:
  • Provides a united front.
  • Helps everyone see Fibromyalgia has many faces and voices; we are a large group, a strong group, a supportive group. 
  • Convinces the world to see there are a lot of people connecting and talking about Fibromyalgia ( "maybe they are not crazy, maybe there is something to this, maybe we should listen, maybe we will do something about this!")

I have left the MOST IMPORTANT POINT till last:  as chronic pain sufferers, visiting other's blogs helps us get a connection with others, we see other real people going through the same things as us and we do not feel so alone.
So whether you want to help your own blog get more readers or help the cause of Fibromyalgia please visit other Fibro Bloggers blogs. We have made it easy for you here - just go to the Directory and visit one or two (or more) a day. Thank you for your continued support.


How do you cope? Blogging Prompt

 Blogging ideas for fibromyalgia bloggers

Do you have a post about how you cope with your chronic pain? If so add it to our Fibro Friday link up to help others. If not why not create a post about this topic now as there are a lot of people looking for answers to this question.

WHAT IS A BLOGGING PROMPT? It is a suggestion for you to blog about if you are looking for ideas. It may give you an idea to get you started on 
a blog post. They may spark ideas to get you past a block.  


I love blogging, but ...

This is one of the main questions I am asked "I love blogging, but how do I manage the time that it takes?”
Here is my secret: Simple Blogging 

You need a simplified approach to blogging. You need to work out what you are doing on the internet, avoid procrastination and get noticed.
This book is what I've learned about how to blog simply, it gives you the advice, encouragement, and help I wish I'd known when I was first trying to figure it all out.
It will help you to spend your blogging time in the most effective ways possible.
It will show you how to write better, build community and get a better design for your blog.
We have a special deal and the book is only $8.00 at the moment!
To buy the book and find out more: Click here to visit Simple Blogging.