
Let's create a twitter storm on Fibro Awareness

Creating a twitterstorm on twitter
Tweets getting ready to fly on twitter

Are you on Twitter? Then join in with other fibro bloggers and tweeters to create a twitter storm.

What is a Twitter storm?

A Twitter storm is an increase in activity surrounding one specific topic on Twitter and ours will be Fibro.
Using one hashtag, the tweet quickly spreads all around the world as people are notified of the message and then reuse the hashtag in tweets and retweets.

Techopedia explains Twitterstorm

When a specific tweet and hashtag are tweeted and retweeted quickly enough, the hashtag is included on Twitter's "trending" list and displayed to all Twitter users, even those who are not a member of the hashtag user's list of followers. This often leads to the original message or hashtag crossing to other social media sites or the mainstream media, resulting in much deeper penetration into the collective conscience.

A Twitter storm is a good way to quickly spread awareness. 

We just need to decide the day for our twitter storm and the hashtag e.g. FibroAwareness 

If you would like to join in the twitter storm around Fibromyalgia simply add your twitter tag (e.g. @fibrobloggers) in the comments.

If you prefer you can contact me on twitter using #infibrostorm


Happy Fibro Friday to you

It's your chance to share your favourite posts about fibro from your blog.

Fibro Friday at FBD - Happy Halloween

Fibro friday at Fibro blogger directory
Many times with Fibromyalgia I feel like a walking zombie or lying down zombie! Brain fog and pain contribute to this feeling of not quite being all there. How about you? On this All Hallows Eve I hope you can join in at Fibro Blogger Directory with your old post or new about fibromyalgia.