
Meet our newest member to Fibro Blogger Directory

This is Sue who has had fibromyalgia since 2002 and has a wonderful website called Fibro Daze where she shares information for living well despite fibromyalgia. I feel like many of you will already know Sue as she has quite a following on facebook and links up often at Fibro Friday.

Besides being a blogger, she is an animal lover, wife, mother of 5 and grandmother of 7.

The goal of  her blog is to help and inspire others who have fibromyalgia in living a better life. She writes articles about self-care, lifestyle changes, emotional wellness and fibromyalgia symptoms in depth
Here a few of her posts:
Please visit her blog and welcome her to Fibro Blogger Directory.


Fibro Friday week 19

Fibro Friday is a blog link up
Support other fibro bloggers as they spread fibro awareness. You can support them here by visiting their blog and reading their stories.

Fibro Friday week 18

Hi everyone, thanks for dropping by at Fibro Friday this week.