
Loving all the fibro bloggers sharing where they're at

fibro friday at fibro blogger directory
It's so good to see so many fibro bloggers sharing where they are up to with fibromyalgia - how it affects them on a daily basis, what they think of the latest news and research about fibro, what they are doing.  The best thing is that we are really a connected community (especially on twitter) and that everyone is accepting of where each other is and how they are coping and feeling. Please share some fibro related stuff here this week for all to see.

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.  Henry Van Dyke

Do you have some free time this week?

Did you think we forgot about Fibro Friday this week? Maybe you thought it was you?
I'm not even sure what happened but here it is so... WELCOME to Fibro Friday and hope you can join in by adding your blog link or visiting some links. Leaving a comment would be much appreciated by all.

Find out more about Fibromyalgia

So Fibromyalgia is a medical condition characterised by chronic widespread pain. But Fibromyalgia symptoms are not restricted to pain - there is the fatigue and joint stiffness and the difficulty with sleep, the brain fog and a myriad of other symptoms.
Here at Fibro Friday you will find out so much more from real people, not statistics, who have fibro and how it affects them on a daily basis. Just click on the numbered links below to read their stories. Maybe you would like to spread Fibromyalgia awareness, and help others understand what fibro feels like, by sharing your blog post link below.