
Fibro Friday week 42

Hope you can join us this week for the Fibro Friday blog link up.



Reading Roundup

Roundup of fibro blogs

Here's just some of the posts I have been enjoying reading this week from fibro bloggers and others about Fibromyalgia:

Complicated Communication: Talking About Pain

Janet McKenzie, a naturopath from Summit Natural Health Centre took up my Blogging Prompt for fibro and chronic illness bloggers in this article where she offers great suggestions for communicating your pain to others so they can understand it. 

K.I.S.S. -> Keep It Super Simple

Suggestions and realizations on exercising when you have fibromyalgia by A Girl In Search Of Her Spoons. 


Seeking Equilibrium is being her honest self and talking about how she rolls with this invisible illness that is trying to rob her of her life.   


An informative post by Fibro Daze about all the things that can happen on your skin when you have fibro. Did you know bruises can be fibro related?

The Why and the Way Fibromyalgia Studies are Important to You

Celeste Cooper's post about myofascial pain syndrome and fibromyalgia and the need for different types of research.

Fibromyalgia in Children 

This article by Dr Ananya Mandal, MD states the amazing and upsetting statistics that Fibromyalgia affects over 5 million Americans and that one sufferer out of every six, is a child.

Have you read a post that really helped you lately? I’d love to get the link and have a chat about it in the comments.


Fibro Friday week 41

Meet Fibro Bloggers from all around the world and help spread knowledge of fibromyalgia far and wide