
Lets celebrate our achievements, no matter how small they are at Fibro Friday this week

Lets celebrate our achievements, no matter how small they are or what they are. Fighting Fibro is hard work and often we may feel guilt or worry about how little we contribute to the world around us. Well this week is about celebrating your small successes and feeling good about yourself. Did you get yourself a healthy snack? Did you ring and talk to a lonely relative? Did you get outside for a stroll up the street?
This week I attended my pain clinic program which is a group of people living in pain. Interestingly enough I went in feeling tired and bad about the extraordinarily difficult week I'd had and left feeling wonderful! (To think I had nearly talked myself out of going.)

When we were asked to say if we had achieved our own previously set small goals I was beating myself up for not walking for 15 minutes twice that week or sitting in the sun. I explained that life had gotten in the way and I had only done incidental walking at the shops but was trying to stand up and move around every half an hour. The team leader smiled and praised my achievements and made me feel wonderful and everyone else nodded in agreement. It was strange to feel a feeling of pride in myself that I had actually done something and also was learning to change my habits. I felt great about my very small achievements and hope you can feel this too by celebrating whatever things you have managed to do this week.

How it feels to have fibromyalgia

What Fibro feels like
 Some people with chronic illness just prefer to be alone or feel the need to be alone a large part of each day.
This is different from feeling isolated and disconnected. The loneliness that so many people experience can be changed by finding a community where unspoken feelings around the illness can be voiced. Many  feel that engaging with others who share the same, or similar illness, helps remove the isolation and normalizes their feelings, concerns and hopes.

I believe that going through illness with others in this community is better than going it alone and hope that Fibro Friday and Fibro Blogger Directory can help you find that connection.