
Fibro Tip of the week - Music Therapy

Music Therapy

This week's Fibro Tip comes from Seeking Equilibrium

Music Therapy is used to induce relaxation and to be used in a multi-disciplinary approach for pain management. It covers listening to music, writing songs, singing along to music, discussing lyrics and meditating with music in the the background.

A Danish study has shown that people experience less pain when listening to their favorite music.

 "We measured both directly and indirectly how the participants experienced their pain after having listened to self-chosen, relaxing and pleasant music, and we measured an effect on all parameters. They reported that the pain became less unpleasant and less intense." says study lead author Peter Vuust, of the center for Functionality Integrative Neuroscience at Aarhus University, Denmark.

Find out more at Seeking Equilibrium


Love you to join in Fibro Friday No. 91

Hi, How are you going? Please join in this week by adding your link about Fibromyalgia or reading some of the posts here. Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much." ~ Helen Keller


Laughter is good medicine

Laughter is the best medicine
Image via SlideShare

We all need laughter in our life and people with chronic illness know this well. Apparently there is science to back up the old adage that Laughter is the best medicine. Laughing causes a contraction of muscles which increases our oxygen and blood flow which stimulates our organs and releases endorphins which make you feel more relaxed.

Laughter activates the body's natural relaxation response. It's like internal jogging, providing a good massage to all internal organs while toning abdominal muscles. Dr Sethi, head of cardiothoracic surgery at Tucson Medical Center.
I just know that a laugh or a simple smile can make me feel better and give me what I need to continue on coping. Here are some of the "funnies" that relate to Fibromyalgia shared at #FunnyFibro over the weeks on twitter. I hope they make you smile.

Fibro Funny

Fibro Funny

Laughter is the best medicine

Laughter is the best medicine

Laughter is the best medicine