

Blogging Prompt: write a letter to your future self.

Blogging Prompts for people in chronic pain

WHAT IS A BLOGGING PROMPT? It is a suggestion for you to blog about, if you are looking for ideas. It may give you an idea to get you started on blog post. It may spark ideas to get you past a writer's block.  

I think it would be cool to write a letter to your future self and actually send it.

I would write about what is important to me right now, my fibromyalgia symptoms and what things I am currently trying to help reduce them, my interests and my goals.
I would love to read this in the future... in maybe 10 years or maybe 5.

What would you write about to inform your future self?

There is a really cool app that lets you do this here and it's called and they actually email you your letter on the date and year you specify. I am going to write a letter to my future self there using the app but I also think it is a great idea for a blog post.

If you agree with me and write a blog post about it please let me know so I can come and read it. Thanks from Lee.