
Fibromyalgia Product of the Week

Fibromyalgia Product of the Week

If you are here you understand that living with Fibromyalgia and all of it's pain, fatigue and brain fog sucks.

In an attempt to ease the burden for Fibro fighters we have asked all of those in our Fibromyalgia community to share what their most helpful products are and we will be sharing them here each week at Fibro Product of the Week. We hope you find this helpful.

This product was the number 1 recommended product to relieve pain.

Ancient Minerals Magnesium Bath Flakes 1.65lbs - Pure Genuine Zechstein Magnesium Chloride - Bath Salt Supplement - Best for Topical Skin Absorption in Bath and Foot Soaks It's great for sensitive skin and children and comes in a resealable pack.

Balneotherapy is a natural approach to physical therapy using water and minerals. Dating back centuries, the Greeks and Romans would bathe in mineral-rich hot springs to treat a variety of ailments. It is thought to promote healing by increasing circulation, encouraging detox and easing stress. Today, people all over the world continue to seek out hot springs for a therapeutic soak. In water immersion, the skin’s absorption of the minerals can be considerable, especially with total body immersion. A way to replicate the art of balneotherapy at home is to add mineral-rich salts to your bath.
Magnesium is a necessary element to hundreds of biochemical reactions occurring in the body on a constant basis—approximately 300 enzymatic reactions. Magnesium contributes to the manufacture of energy, cardiovascular function, and cellular reproduction. Strong bones and teeth, radiant skin, balanced hormones, a healthy nervous system, and relaxed body and mind, are all made possible by sufficient magnesium in our cells.
Ancient Minerals magnesium products take advantage of our most efficient organ—our skin. A form of topical magnesium, designed for convenient, optimal absorption of magnesium.

Temperature of the water should be 101-103 °F (39 °C). Soak for 30 minutes or more. Following bath, rinse with warm water and pat dry. For foot soaks, dissolve up to 3 cups. For body soaks, dissolve up to 6 cups.
Genuine Zechstein magnesium chloride flakes.


Help spread Fibromyalgia Awareness

Fibromyalgia link up week 179
Welcome to Fibro Friday week 179, We are so happy to have you here. Fibro Friday is a great way to learn more about Fibromyalgia and get ideas to cope and find out how others experience this condition.

Every week you will find helpful articles about Fibromyalgia including This Week's Fibromyalgia News and helpful hints for living with Fibro such as Top 10 Tips for Travelling with a Chronic Illness and I Like to Move It ... Exercising With Fibromyalgia and science based articles like The Correlation between Caffeine and Pain and Dopamine and The Fibro Brain.

The great thing is that all the articles are written by people who have Fibromyalgia. So click on a link below to find out more or share a link of your own.
Fibro Friday


Fibro Tip of The Week

The tip this week is to use DISTRACTION to handle your Fibromyalgia pain.
Now WAIT before you click away in disgust it works for me
BUT it has recently been scientifically proven to be better than pain killers.

Fibro Tip of The Week

Shelley at Chronic Mom has not one but 8 tips to distract yourself from chronic pain. Yeah! Check them out here. I bet you aren't using all of them. You can see all 8 here 


Fibromyalgia Information

Welcome to Fibro Friday. We are so pleased you are here. 
We are sharing up-to-date Fibromyalgia information and articles to help people understand more about Fibro and find other people to connect with who have fibro.

Please join in by sharing a link and visiting a link or just simple clicking on the topics that interest you. 

Each week you will find helpful articles and techniques to help you live with this condition such as How I Handle Fibro Flare Days and 8 Simple Meal Ideas for the Chronically Ill and 10 Ways to Master Resilience When you have Fibromyalgia, product reviews such as The Sit & Sigh Bath Cushion and articles on the latest research into Fibromyalgia (FM).