
Fibromyalgia Awareness

During the last week I have been learning about new things that can help Fibromyalgia - new things for me to try like Balneotherapy, (which I had never heard of) and Guided Mindfulness and some ways to live Life in the slow lane. All of these were shared at last week Fibromyalgia link up. 

I can't wait to see what is posted here this week. I hope you get a chance to read some or all of the articles shared here this week.

Fibromyalgia Awareness link up


Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Have you been wondering is that new symptom, you are experiencing, part of your Fibromyalgia?

Have you been wondering if you might have Fibromyalgia? (Of course it does need the diagnosis of a medical professional.)

Have you been wondering what this Fibromyalgia, you keep hearing about, is all about?

People with Fibro have so many more symptoms than just pain and tenderness. Of course they do not have to have all the symptoms listed and also sometimes the symptoms make get worse or lessen.

Gastrointestinal: constipation, nausea, bloating, gas, bladder problems, food allergies, food intolerances
Whole body: fatigue, tiredness, stiffness, cramps, weight gain, difficulty losing weight,
Sensory: pins and needles, sensitivity to cold, sensitivity to pain, allodynia,
Sleep: difficulty falling asleep, sleep disturbances
Cognitive: forgetfulness, lack of concentration, difficulty finding words,
Mood: anxiety, mood swings, depression, irritability, nervousness,
Other: dizziness, painful menstruation, headaches, migraines, chemical sensitivities,

Fibromyalgia Symptoms female body

Below you will find links to articles about a variety of Fibromyalgia symptoms by people who have Fibromyalgia. Please just click on the link to read the full article.


Fibro product of the week

Fibro Product of The Week
Living with Fibromyalgia and all of it's pain, fatigue and other symptoms is tough.

In an attempt to ease the burden for Fibro fighters we have asked all of those in our Fibromyalgia community to share what products have helped them most and I will be sharing them here each week at Fibro Product of the Week. I hope you find this helpful and don't forget to have a look at the other products featured.

I was so happy when I found this helpful little item. An Alaska Bear Natural Silk Sleep Mask. It really is silky smooth and not like any other eye mask I have experienced. My sister gave it to me for my birthday which might seem like a strange and practical gift but for someone who suffers from headaches and migraines it is amazing. She does too so she understands.

The thing about it is that it's so soft, actually super soft and has complete blackout.

So why use a sleep mask if you have Fibromyalgia? 
Many people with Fibro have sleep problems including difficulty getting into REM sleep.
 The hormone Melatonin regulates the day-night cycle of the human body and controls the recovery phases during the sleep. For the production of this hormone, the human body requires sufficient darkness. Lightness prevents the production of Melatonin. Even a little light caused by your digital alarm clock can be a disturbance. A good sleeping mask however will naturally help you increase melatonin levels and increase REM sleep.

Alaska Bear Natural Silk Sleep Mask, Blindfold, Super Smooth Eye Mask (One Strap)

And if you are looking for other affordable helpful products please visit Melissa's site and read her post about 9 Inexpensive items I Use To Fight Fibromyalgia