
Fibro Friday week 258 - fibromyalgia articles for you

 fibromyalgia articles for you

Fibromyalgia awareness in 2020

Wishing everyone a wonderful new year 
and letting you know we will be continuing our Fibro Friday blog link up in 2020.

A blog link up is somewhere you can share a post that you have written and find out what others have to say.
Here at our weeky link up it is a chance to visit and find new fibro friends or find out what people with fibro are writing about, learning about, and experiencing.  It is a great way to build fibromyalgia awareness so that more people can understand what fibromyalgia is all about.
Fibromyalgia awareness

Fibro Friday week 256

Thank you for visiting our Fibromyalgia link up this week where we share information about fibromyalgia which is often called fibro, FMS or FM.
Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition which means that the pain lasts for longer than three months. Most of the people who join in at our weekly fibro link up have been living with it for many years and experience many additional symptoms. They choose to share their articles here so that others can understand this condition.
Fibro Friday weekly link up

Fibro Friday week 255

Fibro Friday blog link up

A big thank you for all your support this year, reading, sharing and posting and sharing again.
This is the last Fibro Friday link up for 2019 and we hope you can join in and spread some Fibromyalgia understanding!