
2020 Fibromyalgia Twitter Directory

Here is the ultimate Fibromyalgia Twitter Directory- a Directory of people with Fibromyalgia who tweet about it in 2020.
This is a great resource for connecting with and supporting others with fibro (FMS) and we hope you can join in.

1. Click the blue button below which says 'Add your link'
2. Add your url - it looks similar to this
3. In 'Name' add the name of your twitter account eg Fibro Bloggers or your name
4. Ad your email address. No one sees this (only me)

*PLEASE LINK UP YOUR TWITTER URL (not your blog url)

Fibromyalgia Twitter Directory 2020


300 weeks spreading fibromyalgia awareness

Thankyou for joining us at Fibro Friday week 300 where we have been sharing stories of people with fibromyalgia for almost 6 years! (5.75342 years to be more precise.)

We love that you are here, we love that you are part of this.

Anyone with a fibro story to tell can join in at our link ups but mostly the success is due to all the great fibro bloggers who are part of this Directory. (over 50 of them) THANK YOU.

Let's continue helping others to understand fibromyalgia.


Learn more about fibro fog

Learn more about fibro fog

The medical definition of fibro fog is: 
Fibro fog: A type of cognitive dysfunction reported by many people with fibromyalgia. Also sometimes referred to as brain fog, its symptoms include difficulty with concentration, memory deficits, and confusion. The reason for the changes in brain function with fibromyalgia is not clearly understood.  MedicineNet
This article is all about fibro fog and the information about it from people who live with it, not from medical sites. The good thing is if you want to learn more, about a particular quote, or the person that said it, you can click on the blog names at the end of each quote to be taken to that person's blog. 

I personally find fibro fog one of the most challenging parts of fibromyalgia because it just stops me in my tracks. It stops me functioning completely. I cannot think straight. I cannot concentrate. The best way I can describe it is that is like someone has laced your drink with some kind of drug.

Here is what others in the community say about it:
  • When we are talking about poor cognitive function we have to be precise and to not confuse it with just being absentminded but studies have shown there are real cognitive dysfunctions occurring with fibromyalgia. Nikki at Brainless Blogger.
  • Experiencing fibro fog can be frustrating and stressful. I hate the brain fog more than the pain and fatigue. My anxiety goes through the roof when I can’t concentrate, feel distracted, mix up words and am unable to form a complete sentence. Sue at FibroDaze
  • Fibro fog gets in the way of remembering basic words. I could be in the middle of speaking or typing something out and not be able to remember a word as simple as bed. I’ll end up going to Google and typing in the full description for it (or asking someone nearby -) “what’s that thing that you sleep in?”, just to get the basic word. Julie at Counting my Spoons
  • I called the police station and was informed I'd parked blocking the driveway of an apartment complex and was towed. did what? Talk about Fibro fog! I could have swore that was a parking space, not a driveway. No wonder I found parking so easily. I had to walk to the tow place and pay a kings ransom to get my car back. Oh not good! Leah at Chronicles of Fibromyalgia.
  • When I first started to experience it I thought it was due to a particular drug that I was taking for my pain and Fibromyalgia, so I cut down to the lowest dose but that made no difference whatsoever.  Barbara at Back Pain Blog UK
  • Unfortunately, ‘fibro fog’ is very much in your face and it’s hard not to feel embarrassed, frustrated or ashamed. Especially if it happens in front of someone who doesn’t know and doesn’t need to know about my fibromyalgia. Donna at February Stars.
  •  I have said for years now that I was worried it wasn't brainfog at all and was early onset dementia or Alzheimers. I get so confused at times and stop mid sentence totally blank with no idea what I was just saying. I ask the same thing over and over and totally forget I have, and to be honest it scares me. Jools at Fibro My Arse Ache 
  • I explain to others that I feel a thick fog taking over my brain, rusting the works.  Then, in this foggy state, an invisible vampire comes and drains the energy out of my limbs, leaving them limp and heavy. Katie at Pain FULLY Living
  • If you've got fibro then you know fibro fog and some days you are pretty clear headed and other days your brain is just not working. Donna at Fed up With Fatigue.
  • Many people with fibro are all too aware of the “brain fog” that can happen from time to time. You can have trouble grasping words, remembering details, and have trouble remembering what you came into this room for.  Brandi at Being Fibro Mom
  • I was frantically searching for words and information in my head, feeling like I was swimming through a thick fog.  My vision even felt worse at that point!  It’s so difficult to explain, but I get why they call it brain fog – it really does feel like the inside of your head is filled with mist in place of a brain!! Katie at Katie Cupcake
  • This one can be really frustrating but I sometimes find I can’t think what I have done when. I will mention something I thought I did yesterday to be told that was three days ago. I can even lose track within a day as to what I have done. Susan at Living Creatively with Fibro
  • There’s been a thousand conversations where I’m reaching for simple words that blew away a moment before I want them. There have been even more times when I say one thing when I mean another.  Sometimes I know I’ve done it, but often I don’t. Melissa at Melissa vs Fibromyalgia
  • In the meantime my (lack of) memory has become legendary at home, but whether it is due to nonchalance, alcohol, pregnancy, fibromyalgia or old age, I still don't want to admit it. Ria at Stronger than Pain
  • Trying to function in a head that’s so fogged up is darn scary.I had found several weeks ago the degree of forgetfulness had exacerbated. On the bus on my way home, I nearly got lost. I mean, I couldn’t remember where I was, and how to get home. Alisha at The Invisible F
  • Fibro fog has made it so that I really hate phone calls. Phone calls are not only challenging, but I find it exhausting to focus on a phone conversation. I have a lousy short term memory, so even if I answer a telephone call, by the time I am done talking, I may have forgotten most of the conversation. Melissa at Fibro Warriors 
  • Of all the wacky things that go along with fibromyalgia, brain fog is probably the most disconcerting for me. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m retired military, and making quick, sound decisions was part of my everyday life. Now, it often takes me a while to even process what I’m supposed to be making a decision about, much less make one! Terri at Reclaiming Hope
When you are in fibro-fog, it is as though you are slowly losing your mental faculties from the base up and it feels insidious and profound. It also feels, somehow, like your head is being squeezed or compressed, like you want to shake it to get all the parts to fall into the right places again. You can see words hanging there but can’t reach for them, your can’t organise your thoughts enough to set action into motion, you feel disengaged and unable to relate to people in direct communication, like you are watching them through a fogged window, your mind wanders like you are half-asleep, ordinary things startle you, you pedal in mid-air to get a foothold on you priorities and what you (dimly) thought you were meant to do today, though the remembrance of whatever that was floats like a ghost in the air. It can feel humiliating, frustrating and deeply upsetting on so many levels. Helen at Living Whole
  • This is a cognitive impairment that causes problems such as temporary loss of memory, forgetting words or mixing up words, losing your train of thought, or saying things that don’t make sense. It can be frightening when it happens, as these are also signs of other conditions, such as Alzheimers Disease. Pamela at There Is Always Hope
  • I often struggle to string sentences together, am increasingly clumsy and can be extremely forgetful about anything and everything. It really frustrates me, can be quite embarrassing and makes me feel stupid. It can also make me feel hungover on life. Bethan at Hello Fibro Blog
  • There’s is nothing more frustrating to me than fibro fog. My mind just won’t think straight and it seems to just come on for no reason at all. I start switching up my homonyms and forgetting the most common words. Mandy at Mandy and Michelle
  •  I was sitting there the other day on the couch, yup, again. I was so “drunk” and cognitively impaired, I couldn’t do anything. While I have suffered for years with brain fog from Fibro, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and chronic headaches & migraines, this new found “drunkenness” and impairment with perception and spacial awareness is new. And pretty sucky. Stacey at Fighting With Fibro
  • I forgot a word I was searching for in the doctor's yesterday and the air hung in pregnant silence. It was embarrassing, but my mind is suffering fibro brain fog and I don't look sick, so I didn't mention it. Glenys at Morning Cuppas With Glenys


Fibromyalgia Awareness January 2020

If you are looking for information about Fibromyalgia you are in the right place.
If you are looking to SHARE information about Fibromyalgia you are in the right place.
The Fibro Friday link up is for you.

Fibro Friday January 2020