
Keep Calm and Save Your Spoons

If you have Fibromyalgia we would love you to join in at Fibro Friday -  the fibromyalgia link up - this week.
Do you have enough energy to visit someone else's post? Then please click on some of the links below.
Do you have enough spoons to write a post and share it here then please jump in by clicking "Add your link" below.
What's that... you barely have any spoons left, well please share an old post you have written so that others may benefit from your ancient fibro wisdom.
Keep Calm and Save Your Spoons


  1. Hope you're having a low pain, steady energy week!

  2. Best wishes to your mother, Hope she gets better very soon! ♥♥

  3. Definitely in spoon saving mode today. Hope you have a great weekend!


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