
Fibro Friday Link Up for fibro bloggers

Welcome to Fibro Friday no. 26!

Hope you can participate in Fibro Friday this week by visiting some of the blogs below or adding a link to one of your own fibro related posts. We would love you to join in.


How to Start an Email List Today

How to Start an Email List Today

You have all heard how important an email list is. (I am presuming, but if not scroll to the bottom of this post, please.)

Don't wait any longer, start building your email list today, right now... it will only take around 30 minutes.

I'll show you how in 3 easy steps. Are you with me?

  1. Sign up for an account with Aweber  (This is who I recommend after 20 years of blogging and using 4 different email marketing service providers).
  2. Create a sign-up form for your email list. Use the instructions from Aweber.
  3. Put your sign-up form on your blog, in the sidebar and the about page.
It's that easy. 

The sooner you start your list, the faster it will grow. 

And don't worry about WHAT TO WRITE? cause if you sign up with Aweber and let me know I'll send you a link to free pdf on what to write in your emails. You can let me know with this special Contact Form
This very thorough pdf includes everything from email writing basics to creating automated emails to selling a service and developing loyal customers/readers and it's free to you.

Also I have a post here, that you can read now, about what to write in your emails.

1. You OWN your email list. You do not own Facebook or Twitter and these platforms can change their policies. You do own your email list, and it is only run by you and by your decisions.
2. It's the most used way of keeping in touch with others. Everyone has email.
3. You can build a good relationship with your list.
4. Email beats social media in getting click-throughs to your blog. This is statistically proven.


Lee Good picture - health blogger

Hi, I am Lee Good and I have been blogging online for over 20 years now, writing articles and researching. 
My approach, as you can see in this post, on starting an email list, is to keep things simple. 
There is plenty of information out there about blogging and marketing but it can all become a bit overwhelming, so I like to simplify things down to the basics. (the rest is all just padding and fluff really!)
If YOU have any questions relating to this topic please ask them in the comments below and I can give you a more detailed answer.

YES I am an affiliate for Aweber, but that's because I use their product and love it.


Fibro Friday is about fibromyalgia awareness

To participate, please link up one of your posts about Fibromyalgia - leave a comment - then visit one of your fellow fibro bloggers who have linked up here.