
Your Pre Publish checklist (or what to do before you hit the Publish button)

Your Pre Publish checklist - or what to do before you hit the Publish button

When I get to the end of writing a post I am really excited and want to just get the post out into the blog- a-sphere...
over all the years of blogging, I have learnt to curb my impatient nature and double check a few things before I publish my post.

I've actually created a Pre Publish Checklist and thought that you too may find it useful too.

1. TITLE : Is the Title catchy?

2. KEYWORD: Have you included a keyword or keyword phrase in the title or in the beginning of your article?

3. IMAGE: Have you included one (or more) relevant images? Have you added it's ALT Text.

4. PROOFREAD: Double check the spelling and grammar.

5. INTERNAL LINKING: Is it possible to link another one of your relevant posts to this post?

6. CALL TO ACTION: Can you include a call to action at the end?

7. REFERENCES: Can you include quality references?

8. LINKS: Check all the links.

If you have any questions about my checklist, that I can help you with, I'd love you to leave a comment.


Fibro Friday week 171

Thank you to everyone joining in here... it's great to read all your fibro blogs and your individual fibromyalgia stories.


Weekly Blogging Challenge 4

Welcome to the Weekly Blogging Challenge. 

Weekly Blogging Challenge 4

If you are looking for blogging inspiration you are in the right place.

This week's challenge is the word CHALLENGE!

What has been your biggest CHALLENGE in learning to live with Fibromyalgia. 
It doesn't have to be something ground shattering... just your own individual thing that you are trying to overcome or have overcome.

If you are looking for more blogging ideas please see our previous week's challenges and also our blogging prompts

You can sign up to be sent weekly email notifications here.


Fibro Friday week 170

Thank you to everyone who has been supporting this link up which aims to help others understand more about Fibromyalgia. Many of you have been here right from the beginning. That's 170 weeks!

Fibro Friday week 170