
7 inspiring quotes about accepting chronic illness

quotes about accepting chronic illness

Over the years I have been collecting quotes that inspire me on this chronic illness journey and I hope you may find them helpful to you as well.  I especially like the first quote because it is so simple and to the point.

Please feel free to use or share these images however you wish. Today I am sharing the quotes on acceptance.

Acceptance is often confused with the notion of being OKAY with what has happened. This is not the reality. Most people don’t ever feel okay about having a chronic illness, like fibromyalgia. But we come to a place where we can accept our new reality. We learn to live with our new normal.  

I resisted this new norm for years, and tried to maintain my life as it was before I became ill. This made life very difficult, frustrating and exhausting. 

Then I came to the realization that I had to readjust. I asked for help and reorganized my daily life to be more in tune with how I could now live. I listened to my needs and the needs of those with whom I lived. I reached out and made new friends. I started to reach out to others and became involved in their lives. I changed, grew and evolved all because of the process of acceptance. 

I can never give up hope of a cure, but I could not begin to live again until I accepted my condition. 

 7 Quotes to inspire
Perfection is out of the question. ~ Ann Archer

 7 Quotes to inspire
I take a simple view of living. It is to keep your eyes open and get on with it. ~ Sir Laurence Olivier

 7 Quotes to inspire
If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you'd best teach it to dance. ~ George Bernard Shaw.

 7 Quotes to inspire
Difficulties in life are intended to make us better, not bitter. ~ Dan Reeves

 7 Quotes to inspire
There is always a certain peace in being what one is, in being that completely. ~ Ugo Betti

 7 Quotes to inspire
Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. ~ James A. Baldwin

 7 Quotes to inspire
We can let our circumstances rule us, or we can take charge and rule our lives from within. ~ Earl Nightingdale


Fibromyalgia Awareness starts every Friday - week 217

Help us raise awareness of Fibromyalgia each and every week.

You can do this in a few ways:

1. Share your article here about Fibromyalgia

2. Choose an article here that you love and share it with your friends and followers

3. Let others know about this Fibromyalgia link up which starts every Friday and runs all week to help spread Fibromyagia awareness.

We appreciate you joining in and helping to fight Fibro

Fibro Friday week 217
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1 way to raise fibromyalgia awareness

How can the individual with Fibromyalgia help raise the awareness of their chronic pain condition? This may seem like a daunting task but we have one simple way for you to do this, right here and right now.

Share one of the following Fibromyalgia articles - tell a friend, share on social media, share it in a post or an email. It's easy for you to do and also you have a choice. Just read some of the articles written in this week's or last week's link up and choose the one you would like to share. We had some good ones like the Top 10 Things I Learned from Living with Fibromyalgia and 6 things that Lady Gaga has said about Fibromaylgia.
Of course you can share more than one... but that's up to you.  Oh! you could share this whole post if you wish!

Tell us in the comments if you share, we would love to know. Write YES if you shared and NO if you didn't.
Ways to raise fibromyalgia awareness
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55 fantastic fibromyalgia blog names

    Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition of pain, and many other symptoms. Blogging when you have fibromyalgia has extra challenges, that other bloggers may not experience, such as tiredness, fatigue, mental fog, dizziness, and migraines. 

    These fibromyalgia blog names listed below are all existing blogs run by members of Fibro Blogger Directory and some of my best fibro friends. If you click on these links you can visit the individual blogs or you can see the complete list of members in the Directory here.  If you have a blog about this condition you may want to become a member of the Directory and you can apply here.  

    55 fantastic fibromyalgia blog names

    Fibro Files
    Felicia Fibro
    Rebuilding Wellness
    Infinite Daze
    Living with Fibromyalgia
    Counting Spoons
    Chronic Mom
    The Fibro Frog
    The Fibro Man
    Brainless Blogger
    Learning to Balance Life Changes
    my foggy brain
    Painfully Aware
    Being Fibro Mom
    Fibro Fantastic
    Illness to Wellness: A journey
    In Spite of My Illness
    Fed Up With Fatigue
    Blooming Mindfulness
    Living creatively with Fibro
    Living Extra-Ordinary
    Fibroworks/The Fibro-Fog Chronicles
    Living With Fibromyalgia
    Chronically Chloe
    Fibro Warriors ~ Living Life.
    Stronger than pain
    Melissa vs Fibromyalgia
    Reclaiming Hope
    Spoons & Sass
    The Invisible F
    Spending Spoons
    My Inspired Fibro Life
    Fibromyalgia Pain Cure
    By Star & By Sea fighting chronic illness one adventure at a time
    There Is Always Hope
    When Nothing Goes Right Go Left
    Living whole
    Invisibly Me
    Naturally Fibro
    The Last Days of Pompeii
    Hello Fibro
    Beyond Fibromyalgia
    Fibro Mom Blog
    The Scoop on Fibromyalgia and Chronic Illness
    Mandy and Michelle Just holding it together
    The Recovering Perfectionist
    Lap The Couch
    Looking For The Light